I scared the girls in prison...

Southern Oaks update today. I scared the girl that I was mentoring. She sat down and fled like her cell was better than talking to me. How sad. So I'm kinda discouraged that I could fail like that. O Well I guess. The other girl that I am mentoring went to court today so I only got to talk to her for a few minutes. She apparently did not learn and achieve enough through our mentoring sessions to keep herself straight, so she has to stay here until May, at least. O Well again. Hopefully Eric will have a better outcome at Ethan Allen tonight. Maybe he won't scare away his convict. More Later...
the picture is fuzzy to protect the imprisoned
Um, what was I going to say again????

Guys. I am the most forgetful person on the planet. Well, at least I feel like it. I forgot my cell phone charger, my computer charger, and my calling card. So I'm living in an Amish paradise this week, free from technology. Right Now, I'm in the computer lab, lol. I have a thousand+ dollar laptop in my room and I have to use the junky school computers. Go figure. Anyway, today I bought a scrapbook so that I can record all of life's busy happenings. Like I'm busy. I have Southern Oaks tomorrow and then the rest of my life is free. O well. Ok, time for a random blog. Cuz cuz and Mandy, I'm going to google and the first picture with all of our names in it is going on here. That's us and susan, jill, and laura. I always wanted to be a cheerleader. What else can I randomly stick on here... O IT"S CAPTAIN KIRK!!!!!!!!!! AND MR. SPOCK!!!!!!!
Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down...
Guess they knew what they were saying when they wrote that song. Today is Monday. My visitors have gone-sadly. I don't have very much homework and only one test this week, so not too much to fill my empty time. So I have a feeling I will be doing alot of hanging out and sleeping this week, which will be fun. This week will also give me enough time to finish up the remainding projects of the semseter, which will clear up final exam week. I'll probably even hit the creek if I get time. Just think, my freshman year of college is almost done, the last week in April is the end for us. Then, granted I will attend summer school for three weeks, but then I'll be in great standing for next semseter. What a year. Maybe that would be a good project for this year, my freshman year in review.... Hope you all have a great Monday and think spring!! The picture above is a cherry blossom tree which reminds me of the Washington D.C. trip that we took almost a year ago. WOW does time fly or what????
What a fun week!!!!!!(and to think there's still more to come!!!)
What a fun week we're all having here at good 'ol Maranatha. On Wednesday night, my cousin Ashley and her friend Mandy came down to stay with me as prospective students. Wednesday night we burned popcorn and sweat the night out. Thursday they got me up in time to go to breakfast-no small miracle-which we share with Mandy's brother. It was so much fun just to sit around and get to catch up on all the news and fun stuff that are going on in our lives. It's so cool to see how God had planned specific things in our life to get us where we are today. How cool is that? Anyway, then the girls split up and went to two diffent classes and we all went to chapel. After that we spent the day shopping at Johnson Creek outlet malls, lunch at Arby's and more shopping (including a Wal-mart run where Mandy stole a cart!!!). After that we came back to the dorm to drop off our bags and then it was off to Pizza Hut to meet Luke and Asian(or Andrew). There we were slightly embarrassed by the antics of some of the guys(excluding Eric of course :) ) and got to hang out and laugh at Andrew's past life as a ballerina. Then we ditched the guys for more shopping and girl time. We even dressed Mandy up as Napoleon Dynamite in the middle of Kohls. When we got back, nothing great happened, we just tattoed Mandy's posterior and had a good chuckle in a much cooler room. The room was much cooler because of the fan that Cuz cuz had precarioulsy (sp?) perached on the top bunk. It fell (murphey's law) and unplugged the alarm clock (yikes!) causing us to awaken like an hour later than we had originally planned. O well- such is life. The rest of the plans for today include lunch together and more classes, sadly enough, and then a caravan ride home(caravanning in cars-no camels). This weekend will be fun as well as the entire family goes out to eat on Sunday. Then it's back here with only three weeks 'til Spring Break!!!!!!!!!
I never want to go to prison....

Yesterday I went to Sounthern Oaks school for girls and was able to mentor a girl there, will call her Susan. LoL. Who'd a thought I'd ever be like mentoring a girl behind bars and have to change her name and everything for safety reasons. Go Figure. Anyway, I asked Susan if she had been reading in her Bible lately and she told me not really. She said she had only read the book of Leviticus, the first 50 chapters of Isaiah, and Esther. LoL. Man, she's really slacking huh? Anyway we got to talk for awhile and she told me she would read Isaiah 53, Ruth, and the end of all the gospels before I came again(in two weeks). But here's what really got me. In her Bible she had a napkin that was carefully folded and placed in between the Old and New Testament. Curious as to why anyone would have a snowflake napkin in there Bible, I asked her what was up. She told me it was the only thing that was pretty ever given to her in prison. It turns out that those were the party napkins that we used at the Southern Oaks Christimas party. Man, that really hit me. How many things do people give me everyday that I just take for granted. Here this sweet little girl who has just made one too many mistakes is in prison, and the prettiest thing in her possesion is a napkin with a gold snoflake on it. She should be at home right now with a loving family showered with pretty little girl things and instead she is in prison. So now I'm really really really sure that I never want to go there... More Later Liz
IT"S NOT DEAD-IT IS RISEN!! ok, well, not really. but in a sense, yeah. Anywho, the car is ready and working and all I have to do is pick it up!!! That means, cuz cuz and mandy, that we will have a vehicle to take to Johnson Creek or wherever our little heart desires this week!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Ok, so do i get why my car had to die this weekend, OF ALL WEEKENDS?? nope. will I ever, probably not. But God had a reason and a plan, if not only just to teach me how to call the towing company and how to handle an automotive repair shop. But now i'm a better person because of it. YEAH!!!! Just another thing that helps me to trust God more...Later, liz P.S.--the smiley is my face right now!!!!!
Ok, like totally shocked and awed here. Guess who I got an e-mail from?? Georgetown University Law School in Washington D.C.!!!! Guys, this is a future lawyers dream come true. I mean, seriously!!! Georgetown-the list of graduates from there includes some pretty famous people!!! Like, Bill Clinton(no not that great I know but still, he was President), Walter Peyton, ALL of the Supreme Court people, how cool is that, (justice Elizabeth oooooo) and a bunch of other people that I can't remember, but still, HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!! Ok, I'm just a little psyched. It's like 23 grand a year, not too much more than I'm paying now, but a little more. Ok, like ten grand more, but hey, it's GEORGETOWN!!!! Anywho, there is like a ton of scholarships out there for people like me, evangelical Chirstians, white, female, community service dooer- the whole enchilada!!!!! Ok, so will I ever go, no probably not, but would it be completely awesome if I did go, you better belive it. SO for today I'm just going to work hard and try my best to do well on my schoolwork so that I can get good enough grades to go on a free ride scholarship. LoL. Like that will ever happen...
Still Stranded, perhaps tomorrow...
Yup. Still stranded here. Hopefully the car part will be here tomorrow or Tuesday. Luckily, this weekend went by kida qucikly- I went to a play, intramural basketball tournament, and got to hang out and watch the Olympics by myself in a dorm sup's apartment-a welcome change from my four walls. Anywho-I thouroughly enjoy solitude and the television-nothing better than being left with nothing to think about. That's the beautiful thing about the television set, it has a wonderful ability to shut out everything from your mind save the pepsi commercial and the insurance company. Now, if you are truely unlucky, you'll get a commercial that reminds you of your trouble. For example, yesterday I saw an ad for the Nissan Altima-which brought back terrible memories of my poor little car dying. O well right-we're above the circumstances right? That's what I learned in church this morning-another proof that I was supposed to stay here. Weird. Anyway, here's the little spiritual pick me up that I forgot to write earlier--"You have two options- One, you can complain about the bad things in your life that you can't change, making yourself and those around you miserable. Or two, you can take the bad things that happen and try to discover what good God can bring out of them."That statement has meant so much to me, especially since I came to school. It would be very easy to sit back and whine and complain about all of the bad things that are happening and ignore the rest of life and all of the very good things that are happening. For example, last semseter I thought I had hit bottom when I was laying in the emergency room all by myself on my eighteenth birthday. I was away from home for the first time in all of my birthdays, and in the emergency room for the first time as well. Pretty sure I was feeling really really really sorry for myself, and at the time I felt that I had good reason too. But as I laid there I had the um privelge? of hearing some of the other doctor's conversations with thier patients. Long story short, I figured out that I had it pretty good. At least I wasn't dying to the best of my knowledge, right? I guess I learned how to choose the right option by choosing the wrong one alot. Does that make any sense? I guess if you've been down the road of self pitty alot the rest of the other choice has got to be better- Anyway, today I'm going to try to make the right choice again, and not feel depressed about the car, and focus on the good things in my life--like my cuz cuz and mandy coming to visit in like two days!!!!! More later thanks for reading, liz
Maybe I was just in the right place at the right time...
Ok. Yes, I'm still stuck in Watertown. However, the car will be repaired!!! Yeah!!! Just needs a new something some weird part I can't remember. Anywho, so I spent the night here in Watertown with Leanna, a girl I met during the production last semester, watching the Olympic(talk about learning how not to show off during your gold medal run) Anywho- then we were joined by Sandy and Val and watched ice dancing and ate popcorn. Tomorrow promises to be full of promise and activity. So maybe I am in the right place at the right time, like maybe what I'm doing now instead of what I'm not doing is going to be better for me or save me from something else. Who knows. Anywho, car will be fixed, i can wear pants on campus, and tomorrow is Saturday. SO...more later!!!
Stranded in Watertown...

First off, sorry for that pathetically short blog I posted this morning. I was in the middle of class and the teacher was bound to find out eventually that I had been blogging vs. listening. Ahem. Anywho, my car is broken. It's in the hands of Andy's Automotive right now, who have just informed me that they have no idea as to what the problem is. Great. Just what I wanted to hear. So yeah, here I sit, planless, for the weekend in freezing cold Watertown, WI. In fact, it is so cold that I can't even walk anywhere. So here I sit. I figure I'll just do a ton of homework and reading/studying, blogging, crafting, and sleeping. Since I now have no reason to go job hunting, I will simply sit here and wait for my car. Maybe I'll internet car shop. O wait, the web here shuts down at midnight even on the weekends. Lord deliver me. Bright Spot though. My cousin and mandy are coming down on Wednesday, so I won't have to go too to long without contact from the outside. Also, Tiffany will be here later tonight and all day tomorrow, which means I'll have someone to talk to, which is always nice. This is sad. I promised myself after high school that I would never spend another empty Friday night again, and look at me. O well, guess I'll have to reorganize and craft. Good-bye sweet little car-I can't believe your gone!!!! More later-obviously since I lack anything else to do....
Who'd a thought I'd be pushing a car up a hill in a snowstorm???
OK. long story short. Car dies in the middle of the road in a snowstorm at night after church on wednesday, car currently in shop, pray it gets fixed more later, liz
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!I know were not supposed to do this, but I'm going to go ahead and put my phone number on here in case anyone (preferrably a guy) would like to ask me out today. So here it is....1-310-495-5412
Patiently Waiting for the Love Monkey to Bite...

Ok, so you know what tomorrow is? It's Valentine's Day. My 18th Valentines Day on this earth. Tomorrow I will recieve zero flowers and cards and candy for the 18th day of my life. How deep and depressing is that. Now, I don't want to hear all of this crap about I know liz I won't get anything either, because right now I just want to wallow in my self-pity. LoL. Ok, I know "GET OVER IT" and I will. Just thought it was interesting. Every year I tell myself, this time next year you'll get twenty-four roses, one for every hour he thought about you. Or a box of chocolates with all of the coconut ones taken out because he knows I hate coconut. Or just a call at midnight tonight saying Happy V-day on my cell. Just something sweet. Yet someday the luv monkey will bite back. I'm not going to lie, tomorrow was full of promise for me a week ago, and yet everything went to crap in like 24 hours. Go figure. Anywho, happy valentines day prince charming, you have alot of explaining to do when you get here....
The Saga Continues...
Ok, so I left off with Brianna and her bleeding head. But just wait. So I finally get all of the kids back to the cabin, teeth brushed, and pajama's on, and lights out. So they are all laying in bed and I use this opportunity to pray, right? Cuz their all laying down and sleepy, so I prayed for everything I could think of. All of the missionaires in Zambia and everything. So they are all out like a light, and I am just about to crawl into bed and crash (which may be accounted for by the six IB profeun I took prior to cabin devos) when I hear, "Miss Elizabeth, I can't sleep." Now if this had come from anyone other than Brianna, miss I have the worst counselor in the world who let me go sledding on my head, I would've showed little to no compassion, but do to the circumstances I felt obligated to stay up with her. She was six, so bed time at like 12am at the latest right? Wrong. I crawled into bed after she fell asleep and looked at my alarm clock, which proudly read 3:47am. This wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't have to get up at 5am the following morning. Ahh yes, so 1 hour and 15 minutes later I was up and at it.Saturday, Day Two:Ok, so I'm dead tired, and I mean dead tired. A whole new dimension of tired and exhausted. And, just like clockworth the little rascles wake up at 7am. Then, it's all to the sink where we stand for about thirty minutes as I single handedly lift each of their little bodies up so they can reach the sink. Now that's luv, admit it. Anywho, after that, it's breakfast, and then the most dangerous part of the day, the gym activity simple called "the War." Basically, there's thirty+ flat playground balls that the kids get to whip at eachother for thirty minutes. After the 50th injury, I just started telling the kids to suck it up. Well one girl in particular kept whining about her ankle and I thought she was just being dumb and wimpy, so I told her to walk it off. We get back to the chapel, about a good mile from the tubing hill, and the nurse informs me that this girl's ankle is actually broken. Great. So I told the girl with the broken ankle to "walk it off" nice.Campers Leave (Boo Hoo)-So I get the campers all loaded up and back on the bus and on their way home. One of my girls by the way, Brianna, the one with the scraped face, accepted Jesus into her heart which was such a HUGE blessing. So the great cleanup begins for the rest of the camp staff, myself included, as we sweep and pillage and wash everything in sight.So we are all done right, and we hop into my little car and the car won't go. Well, it'll go, but not more than two miles and hour, not exactly a good pace. So we pull over after we start smelling this beyond disgusting smell, and then the car runs fine, go figure. O and by the way, some nice old dude gave us 80 bucks for dinner, talk about a huge answer to prayer. So all in all it was one of the best weekends that I've had in awhile and definitely one of the better weekends since I've come to college. More Later, hope you enjoyed...Liz
Camp Joy-O my soul
Ok, brace yourself- this is going to be a long almost minute to minute account of my weekend retreat to Camp Joy. So grab a snack, use the potty, and grab the tissues...
Friday, Day 1 (Yes, we were only there for two days)
Everything was going great. We headed up to the Welcome Center to load up and go, totally prepared-or so we thought- for the weekend ahead. So we load up in two vans and my car and head 45 minutes west to Whitewater, WI. (There were some mighty fine examples of God's creation on the trip if I may so myself)
At Camp Joy:
So we pull in, totally excited and fired up for the weekend when suddenly we realize that we are the only ones there, save the camp director. Odd right. Yeah, so when we ask the camp director where everyone else is, namely the other counselors, what do we get, "What other counselors? You guys are it." O my goodness. So here we are 15 poor college students alone in the wilderness without any experience of being at Camp Joy before. (I mean, none of us even knew where the bathroom was) And we are expected to counsel kids for twenty four hours. Ok, right, bad, but do-able.
Campers Arrive:
So we are all kinda prepared now, I mean, we found out where the toilet was and where the dining hall was and where our personal cabins were at, and now, time for the campers!! So proudly wearing our Miss Elizabeth, Miss Karen, Mr. Brad nametags, we head to the chapel. Here's where it gets funny. I'm standing there, awaiting my cabin full of sixth grade girls, third grade girls at the youngest, and what happens. Um, Miss Elizabeth, we have some first graders who arrived and we are not going to turn them away, so could you have them in your cabin. And, before I could respond, I had six little six year old girls hovering around me. So ten minutes later when I could get them all to stop telling me who there teacher was, who threw up on the bus, and what time they normally go to bed, I got them to the cabin. You want to know what six year olds do on three high bunk beds- they jump. We are talking here girls who are no taller than 4 ft jumping seven feet high and telling me to catch them as they fall. Then after no one thankfully broke any bones, we bundled up and headed to the chapel, where I asked where the gym was so that they could all play, seems harmless enough right. Come to find out the gym is down the hill and to the left. Six year old girls hate the dark, and in WI, it's dark at like 4 in the winter. So here we go, screaming and running on icy concrete down the hill at 6 o'clock in the evening. Upon arriving at the gym, the girls promptly remove their shoes and coats and begin to run around. Then what, "Miss Elizabeth, we have to go pee." Seems harmless enough right? WRONG!!! The bathroom is all the way back in the cabin, and we have to stay together all of the time. So we all bundle back up, march back up the hill screaming and yelling, so on little girl can get to the potty in time, which, praise be to God, she did. Then, off to chapel, where we sing songs like animals, ( You'd never know there were thirty verses to I've got the Joy Joy Joy Joy would ya) and then back to the cabin. Here, we bundle up and decide we are all going tubing. Great right? Get them all wound up and exhausted in the fresh air and then shove them down a hill at super speeds, what can be better than that? Well, sixth grade boys like to push the six year old girls down the hill. Fun at first right? But, before I could stop it, down goes Brianna, one of my girls, using her head for a tube. She didn't cry too hard, so I figured she was ok right? Well, when she got into the light, I noticed she was profusely bleeding from her face. Wonderful. So off to the nurse. And guys, she looked really, really, REALLY BAD!!! So, try answering all of the questions associated with that. Why does she look so bad? Why did she go tubing on her face, is she stupid? Why didn't you tell her no? You are like the worst counselor ever, aren't you? I have to pee.........
More Tomorrow, just wait, it gets even better ...
Headed to Camp Joy!!!
Hey! I'm off to Camp Joy this weekend instead of to Artist's Series...oops!(Note to self, check dates before committing) Anywho, third grade girls and a week of excitement are in store. Maybe some eligible bachelors as well. Hahaha just kidding!!! Anyway, stay tuned for I am going to attempt to audio blog from the camp, no promises though!!! Have a great weekend guys and I'll spill all tomorrow!!!Luv Ya all, liz
You haven't lived until you have....
-Spent a whole day on the coach watching black and white moives and eating Ben and Jerry's
-Slid down the slide at Bay Beach and lost your bag, I still have slide burn from that
-Blew off homework and "pillow talked" instead
-Ripped a pair of nylons right off your body
-Burped in church
-Sang with the windows of your car open
-Gone on a road trip
-Downloaded music illegally
-Hit the snooze like 17 times
-Stayed up to see the sunrise
-Talked on the phone all night
-Talked on the phone while on the toilet-come on you've done it
-Watched Casablanca on New Years Eve
-Eaten a dandelion
-Skinny Dipped-that was for you cuz cuz
-Gone camping for a week and didn't wash your hair
-Played "Cumgy-Cum" around the fire
-Moved your uncle in the rain all night
-Been stranded in a camper that just ran out of gas
-Chased a dog down the street with a brat
-Dyed your hair cherry red
-Hit a possum with your car
-Turned around to go back home to use the facilities
-Gone in the men's room
-Consumed a bag of peanut butter M&Ms- the large bag
-Ordered pizza to a friends house without their knowledge (72 extra large w/ pepper & pineapple)
These are just a few examples of the things that I have done-sorry that the blog was getting so serious!! My apologies!!!!!
Luv Ya All- Liz
Life is like a thunderstorm some days...
I remember back when I was little and we lived kinda out in the country. It would thunderstorm sometimes and the clouds whould get so big and black and billowy that you couldn't see anything but darkness. But, toward the end of the storm, beams of sunlight would peek through the clouds. Now the storm might be far from over, but you would still see the light and have hope.
Life is like that. Sometimes the storms of life come up quickly like a thunderstorm. It gets so black outside that we cannot see any hope or light. Then, just like the sunshine, friends show you hope. That's what happend yesterday. Yesterday was a terrible day. I was reminded yet again of the sinfulness of man and that pedestles were not made for people. But, just when I thought I couldn't make it any longer and was ready to give up, friends called. Some were aware of my situation and called to make sure I was hanging in there, others responded when I had to vent with wonderful words of encouragement and wisdom beyond their years, and others, who had no idea at all that I was going through a rough time, just called to say hi, or sent me an e-mail or another digital communication, just to let me know they cared.
Is the storm over, no. But the clouds are clearing and the sunlight is getting stronger. And, now that I'm almost out on the other side, I can say thanks. Thanks, because I'm not alone, because people care, and thanks because I'm stronger than I was before. I'll live, and no, nobody died. But my confidence in people was put back into check, and gossip is strong and cuts deep. But, I'll survive, really, I think I will.
I can't wait for heaven....
Ok, I know, I already blogged for today, but this evening has been pretty rough. So, whenever I'm totally disgusted, I decide to blog, it's therapy for me. Anywho, I can't wait for heaven, especially on nights when sin is everywhere. People are human, and humans are bad. I get that right now more than anything. We all screw up and make mistakes, and those mistakes hurt others. We think that everyone will live up to a standard, especially if they are "Christians", but if there is one thing that I've learned tonight, not everyone that says they are Christians are Christians. Does that make any sense? I guess what I'm trying to say is that we aren't perfect yet, and neither are others around us. Sometimes I think we forget the ugliness that is in us, and in others. It's nights like these that I wish we were all perfected. I mean, why do we have to back-bite eachother? I mean, there are few enough of us as it is! Can't we just stick together?? Good Grief-I'll blog again when it all works out...
Crabby-ness is next to Godliness....
Ok, so you're probably wondering where the Scripture is for this one right? Well, you guessed it, there is no verse that supports my theory. But anywho, here it is: "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Ok, yeah I know that 's not scripture, but it is true. Take today for instance. I didn't fall asleep until midnight last night, so I was overtired to begin with. Then, this morning, I was awakened at 4:10 am. That's right, A.M. Now for those of you who read my earlier post about it being a morning person's world, you understand where this is going. I'm crabby, and this morning I hated life. So I didn't say a word, and I thought that was the answer. But, I was wrong. No, I'm not saying I was supposed to voice my complaints, because that wouldn't have been exactly "God Honoring" either. Whenever I am crabby, I remember two things. One, thanks to Matt, "remember that the sun is always shining above the clouds," and two, "someone is always worse off than you are, and if you get your mind off of yourself, you'll be happier." Now, does that mean that I'm jumping for joy right now? No, let's not be crazy. But it does mean that we were created sinful, human beings, who get ticked off easily, but we don't have to react to it. So, if your having one of those days for the book of bad days, remember, you don't have to let your situation be the dictator of your attitude.
Coincidences Are Really "God Things"
Ok, so here's a thought! Coincidences are really God things. For example, last night. Was it a coincidence that I went to Calvary Baptist Church, and that it was a special class night, and that I ended up in the class with a lady who used to go to church with me, or that she needed me to be there to get through her presentation, or that I needed to be there to get my focus off of myself and back on what was really important? Or that through the entire night we were able to both reflect on what God has done through the life and death of her first husband? Or that I felt the sudden urge to offer her someone to watch her child, and that she told me she had been praying for someone to watch her child for her, someone to be her friend? Was it a coincidence that once I finally told God I would go anywhere he wanted me to go as long as he would show me, that Maranatha called on the phone and asked me to come? Is it a coincidence that God provides down to the penny what I need to go to school, and still leaves enough money for me to have a little social life? Is it coincidence that I'm in a place where we are encouraged to grow and love God, or that so many people here love me and are praying for me? I don't think so. I think it's God, I know it's God. More Later...
If I could tell the world just one thing it would be....
Cool question right. You've got one shot and you don't want to mess it up right? And you know that if you say nothing at all you'll regret it for the rest of your life, but no pressure, right? So, what would you tell them? God loves them. That's a good one. But is it enough? How many people that you meet if you ask them would simply say yes and move on. Then you blew your question. Would you tell them they need to be saved? Good, but if that's the only thing, big whoop. You miss the chance to finish that statement. So what do you say? Now, don't think I've solved this mystery by any stretch, but I wil tell you what I'd say- Hi. yep, that's it. Now let me explain via story. Last night at the laundromat of all places, I broke up a fight. Were fists flying, no, but hate was. One white woman was yelling at a Spanish family, and for reasons not pertinent to our discussion, I think it was simply because they were Spanish. And you know what I said, "Hi!" and from there the discussion took off. Now, am I saying that all things are saved easily by just a hello? No, rather i'm saying that if you and I take just one minute, and stop, without judging anyone, and just stop and say hi, we might be surprised with what would happen. More later.......
It's a Morning Person's World
"If a man loudly blesses his neighbor early in the morning, it wil be taken as a curse."
- Proverbs 27:14
As far back as King Solomon, some people are made to be morning people and others are more nocturnal. We all know people who get up and the first thing they do is flick on the light, the coffee pot, and then start singing. They bounce into the shower and bounce into the bathroom, like brushing their teeth is the greatest thing that ever happened to the human race. Then, there are night people. People who sleep like a rock after 6 am, and feel like it's time to party like it's '99 until 4am. However, they do sleep through the better part of the day, usually rising about 2 to 3 in the afternoon. I confess, I am the latter. I would rather go to the dentist than get up prior to 8am. Seriously, I'm not joking. Also, the idea of going to bed at 8, just when the good tv is coming on, is not appealing either. I'd rather pull an all nighter than get up at 4 and start studying. Sometimes I guess, I end up snapping at people who mess with me prior to my great awakening. Now, I don't care what some people may say, regardless of your sleeping pattern you need to be civil to everyone at all times. But, when I wake up to, "I can't find my keys!" or "Get out of bed your being way too lazy" I tend to get a little fired up. So, after reading an article online that dare suggest that someone rise TWENTY TO FORTY minutes earlier than usual in order to give them a better outlook on life. The nerve!!! But, lo and behold, I've tried it, and I hate to say it, it works. For some reason, getting up earlier and eating breakfast, a meal which I didn't know exisited, actually helps the day go by. As Franklin said, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." I have yet to see the wealthy part, but may it work. And for all of you who are thinking this is ridiculous, the shower singing, flip on the light people, just wait, King Solomon was the wisest guy every, and definitely a night owl. More Later, liz