I never want to go to prison....

Yesterday I went to Sounthern Oaks school for girls and was able to mentor a girl there, will call her Susan. LoL. Who'd a thought I'd ever be like mentoring a girl behind bars and have to change her name and everything for safety reasons. Go Figure. Anyway, I asked Susan if she had been reading in her Bible lately and she told me not really. She said she had only read the book of Leviticus, the first 50 chapters of Isaiah, and Esther. LoL. Man, she's really slacking huh? Anyway we got to talk for awhile and she told me she would read Isaiah 53, Ruth, and the end of all the gospels before I came again(in two weeks). But here's what really got me. In her Bible she had a napkin that was carefully folded and placed in between the Old and New Testament. Curious as to why anyone would have a snowflake napkin in there Bible, I asked her what was up. She told me it was the only thing that was pretty ever given to her in prison. It turns out that those were the party napkins that we used at the Southern Oaks Christimas party. Man, that really hit me. How many things do people give me everyday that I just take for granted. Here this sweet little girl who has just made one too many mistakes is in prison, and the prettiest thing in her possesion is a napkin with a gold snoflake on it. She should be at home right now with a loving family showered with pretty little girl things and instead she is in prison. So now I'm really really really sure that I never want to go there... More Later Liz
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