Wednesday, February 01, 2006

If I could tell the world just one thing it would be....

Cool question right. You've got one shot and you don't want to mess it up right? And you know that if you say nothing at all you'll regret it for the rest of your life, but no pressure, right? So, what would you tell them? God loves them. That's a good one. But is it enough? How many people that you meet if you ask them would simply say yes and move on. Then you blew your question. Would you tell them they need to be saved? Good, but if that's the only thing, big whoop. You miss the chance to finish that statement. So what do you say? Now, don't think I've solved this mystery by any stretch, but I wil tell you what I'd say- Hi. yep, that's it. Now let me explain via story. Last night at the laundromat of all places, I broke up a fight. Were fists flying, no, but hate was. One white woman was yelling at a Spanish family, and for reasons not pertinent to our discussion, I think it was simply because they were Spanish. And you know what I said, "Hi!" and from there the discussion took off. Now, am I saying that all things are saved easily by just a hello? No, rather i'm saying that if you and I take just one minute, and stop, without judging anyone, and just stop and say hi, we might be surprised with what would happen. More later.......


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