Wednesday, February 08, 2006

You haven't lived until you have....

-Spent a whole day on the coach watching black and white moives and eating Ben and Jerry's
-Slid down the slide at Bay Beach and lost your bag, I still have slide burn from that
-Blew off homework and "pillow talked" instead
-Ripped a pair of nylons right off your body
-Burped in church
-Sang with the windows of your car open
-Gone on a road trip
-Downloaded music illegally
-Hit the snooze like 17 times
-Stayed up to see the sunrise
-Talked on the phone all night
-Talked on the phone while on the toilet-come on you've done it
-Watched Casablanca on New Years Eve
-Eaten a dandelion
-Skinny Dipped-that was for you cuz cuz
-Gone camping for a week and didn't wash your hair
-Played "Cumgy-Cum" around the fire
-Moved your uncle in the rain all night
-Been stranded in a camper that just ran out of gas
-Chased a dog down the street with a brat
-Dyed your hair cherry red
-Hit a possum with your car
-Turned around to go back home to use the facilities
-Gone in the men's room
-Consumed a bag of peanut butter M&Ms- the large bag
-Ordered pizza to a friends house without their knowledge (72 extra large w/ pepper & pineapple)
These are just a few examples of the things that I have done-sorry that the blog was getting so serious!! My apologies!!!!!
Luv Ya All- Liz


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