Sunday, February 19, 2006


Ok, like totally shocked and awed here. Guess who I got an e-mail from?? Georgetown University Law School in Washington D.C.!!!! Guys, this is a future lawyers dream come true. I mean, seriously!!! Georgetown-the list of graduates from there includes some pretty famous people!!! Like, Bill Clinton(no not that great I know but still, he was President), Walter Peyton, ALL of the Supreme Court people, how cool is that, (justice Elizabeth oooooo) and a bunch of other people that I can't remember, but still, HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!! Ok, I'm just a little psyched. It's like 23 grand a year, not too much more than I'm paying now, but a little more. Ok, like ten grand more, but hey, it's GEORGETOWN!!!! Anywho, there is like a ton of scholarships out there for people like me, evangelical Chirstians, white, female, community service dooer- the whole enchilada!!!!! Ok, so will I ever go, no probably not, but would it be completely awesome if I did go, you better belive it. SO for today I'm just going to work hard and try my best to do well on my schoolwork so that I can get good enough grades to go on a free ride scholarship. LoL. Like that will ever happen...


At 4:44 AM, Blogger Jiphanie110 said...

If you reach for the stars you'll never come up with a handful of dirt. If anybody could do it Liz, you can!!

At 11:21 AM, Blogger jules said...

liz! that is so exciting!!! go for it! put your mind to it! :)


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