Monday, February 06, 2006

I can't wait for heaven....

Ok, I know, I already blogged for today, but this evening has been pretty rough. So, whenever I'm totally disgusted, I decide to blog, it's therapy for me. Anywho, I can't wait for heaven, especially on nights when sin is everywhere. People are human, and humans are bad. I get that right now more than anything. We all screw up and make mistakes, and those mistakes hurt others. We think that everyone will live up to a standard, especially if they are "Christians", but if there is one thing that I've learned tonight, not everyone that says they are Christians are Christians. Does that make any sense? I guess what I'm trying to say is that we aren't perfect yet, and neither are others around us. Sometimes I think we forget the ugliness that is in us, and in others. It's nights like these that I wish we were all perfected. I mean, why do we have to back-bite eachother? I mean, there are few enough of us as it is! Can't we just stick together?? Good Grief-I'll blog again when it all works out...


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