Crabby-ness is next to Godliness....

Ok, so you're probably wondering where the Scripture is for this one right? Well, you guessed it, there is no verse that supports my theory. But anywho, here it is: "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Ok, yeah I know that 's not scripture, but it is true. Take today for instance. I didn't fall asleep until midnight last night, so I was overtired to begin with. Then, this morning, I was awakened at 4:10 am. That's right, A.M. Now for those of you who read my earlier post about it being a morning person's world, you understand where this is going. I'm crabby, and this morning I hated life. So I didn't say a word, and I thought that was the answer. But, I was wrong. No, I'm not saying I was supposed to voice my complaints, because that wouldn't have been exactly "God Honoring" either. Whenever I am crabby, I remember two things. One, thanks to Matt, "remember that the sun is always shining above the clouds," and two, "someone is always worse off than you are, and if you get your mind off of yourself, you'll be happier." Now, does that mean that I'm jumping for joy right now? No, let's not be crazy. But it does mean that we were created sinful, human beings, who get ticked off easily, but we don't have to react to it. So, if your having one of those days for the book of bad days, remember, you don't have to let your situation be the dictator of your attitude.
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