Life is like a thunderstorm some days...

I remember back when I was little and we lived kinda out in the country. It would thunderstorm sometimes and the clouds whould get so big and black and billowy that you couldn't see anything but darkness. But, toward the end of the storm, beams of sunlight would peek through the clouds. Now the storm might be far from over, but you would still see the light and have hope.
Life is like that. Sometimes the storms of life come up quickly like a thunderstorm. It gets so black outside that we cannot see any hope or light. Then, just like the sunshine, friends show you hope. That's what happend yesterday. Yesterday was a terrible day. I was reminded yet again of the sinfulness of man and that pedestles were not made for people. But, just when I thought I couldn't make it any longer and was ready to give up, friends called. Some were aware of my situation and called to make sure I was hanging in there, others responded when I had to vent with wonderful words of encouragement and wisdom beyond their years, and others, who had no idea at all that I was going through a rough time, just called to say hi, or sent me an e-mail or another digital communication, just to let me know they cared.
Is the storm over, no. But the clouds are clearing and the sunlight is getting stronger. And, now that I'm almost out on the other side, I can say thanks. Thanks, because I'm not alone, because people care, and thanks because I'm stronger than I was before. I'll live, and no, nobody died. But my confidence in people was put back into check, and gossip is strong and cuts deep. But, I'll survive, really, I think I will.
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