I LEAVE FOR WYOMING IN FOUR DAYS!!!!!! I'm so excited and am trying to prayerfully prepare for the upcoming weeks. I can't wait to see what God is going to do both in my life and the lives of those I'm traveling with. Here's a short rundown of what I'll be doing and when...so you can all pray with me...
Wednesday...leave Green Bay at 9pm in a school bus
Thursday...ride in the school bus
Friday...arrive 6am at Buffalo Bill's resort for a quick nap than off to Yellowstone National Park for the day, then finish the trip to Redcliffe Bible Camp that night
Saturday-Thursday...counseling and various other activities
Friday...jump in the bus drive to Mt. Rushmore for a wedding reception
After that...I have no idea............
Ooooo! have SO much fun :) :)
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