Patiently Waiting for the Love Monkey to Bite...

Ok, so you know what tomorrow is? It's Valentine's Day. My 18th Valentines Day on this earth. Tomorrow I will recieve zero flowers and cards and candy for the 18th day of my life. How deep and depressing is that. Now, I don't want to hear all of this crap about I know liz I won't get anything either, because right now I just want to wallow in my self-pity. LoL. Ok, I know "GET OVER IT" and I will. Just thought it was interesting. Every year I tell myself, this time next year you'll get twenty-four roses, one for every hour he thought about you. Or a box of chocolates with all of the coconut ones taken out because he knows I hate coconut. Or just a call at midnight tonight saying Happy V-day on my cell. Just something sweet. Yet someday the luv monkey will bite back. I'm not going to lie, tomorrow was full of promise for me a week ago, and yet everything went to crap in like 24 hours. Go figure. Anywho, happy valentines day prince charming, you have alot of explaining to do when you get here....
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