Unpacking, Redecorating, and Nutella...

Well it's official-I'm back on campus. After arriving early on Wednesday, I thought the next few days to follow would be packed with business and shopping-well I was wrong. I'm bored out of my gourd. Although I pride myself in finding entertaining things to do at a moment's notice, my creative juices seem to have been sucked out by too many empty hours. I've already hit all the major malls and shopping centers in the greater Milwaukee area, including Menards which is no small accomplishment. I also discovered Nutella-a wonderful peanut butter substance with a choclatey (I know that's spelled wrong) tang to it. I've managed to rearrange furniture and redocarte this institutional lodging to the very best of my ability. Well now, I'm going to take a nap, clean my room, pack my school bag, iron tomorrow's outfit, study ahead, and eat dinner-that should kill about 45 min.
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