Done for Good! (well, two months anyway...)

Yup, totally done and ready for summer!!! I've just returned from a fabulous weekend in Door County! It's beautiful up there! I'm soo tired right now I have nothing really to blog about! I"m just so glad to be home! I'll blog more later! Miss you all!!
Last Official Day...
Wow! Today is it-I finally made it. I just have a short time now before I head home-exactly 28 hours. But today is the last official day of regular classes, tomorrow it's two finals and jump in the car and wave Good-bye to Watertown. Life is weird. All I really wanted for like the past 10 months was to get out of here and go home. Now that it's finally here, I feel like a part of me has died, that the best experiences of freshman year are officially over. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not going to sit around here for one second longer than I actually have to, but still, it's kinda sad, well, a little sad, maybe less than a little sad, o, who am I trying to kid! I CAN'T WAIT TO GO HOME!!!!! I mean, I'll miss y'all, but it's only like 12 short weeks, actually it's officially 92 days, 19 hours, and 56 min away-I knew I bought that cell phone for some purpose... I can't wait to get home, go to work a little, and head to NEW YORK!!!!! The trip I've been planning and dreaming about for months!!! I can't wait to see what God will do in the hearts of the youth group, the hearts of the people of New York, and most importantly to me, what God will teach me. It seems I always learn something hard, and yet sooo helpful to me in my spiritual walk. I can't believe it's only 20 days, 9 hours, and 52 minutes away!!! Ok, enough with the cell phone. What an amazing year--now if I can just get through finals....I'LL BE DONE!!!!
Ode to Room Check...

Ahhh yes, our room is indeed a pit. Throughout the last few days we have all kinda been complaining about it and looking at things and saying how we "should clean"or someone should "vacuum" or do something in a clean fashion. Alas, there has been no effot put forth by anyone in an attempt to keep the room clean. So today, we wrote down what was on our floor, and decided to blog about it....
Currently on our floor there is...
16 Pairs of Shoes
4 Different Library books
1 Culver's spoon-just the spoon
1 Bottle of nailpolish
1 cell phone charger
1 curling iron
1 hair dryer
3 socks-not pairs of socks, just three random socks
1 empty Walgreens bag
1 full Old Navy blogs-with stuff not from Old Navy
1 towel
1 bottle of dishsoap
1 fuzzy pink monkey
1 dirty hot pot
1 Vincent van Gogh book
1 hairtie
1 bread tie
3 pieces of unrecognizable material
3 bags of trash
1 Printer
Tonight we plan to add a pizza box and paper plates to the've just got to love college!
Four More Days....
"Sometimes God dosen't tell us his plan because we wouldn't believe it anyway."
Wow! Is that ever true! As I look back on this past year, I'm amazed. One year ago today, I was at a Graduation Party for my friends, hanging out (no pun intended), and anxiously awaiting graduation. I had just finished my speech, made my hair appointment (hey, a crucial part!), and tried on the Kool-aid man cap and gown, we graduate in red and white. I was enrolled accepted at Cambride University and was all ready to sail across the ocean blue and experience "real" life. But God in his wonderful way changed everything and sent me here, to Watertown, WI. How more exotic can you get? From there, God unveiled some amazing things to me. Not everyday was easy, not every lesson easy to bear and learn from, and sometimes all I wanted to do was pack up and head North... But God loves his children even when their stubborn and feeble and keeps them in his hand no matter what. As I prepare for summer, I have many anxieties and fears, and just plain excitement for what God is going to do in my life and in the lives of those around me. But today, I'm still in summer school, so God's will is a little less exciting, but full of promise for today...
We can leave at anytime now....

Good grief. It feels like I've been here for EVER!!!! It's not that I don't love all of my friends here, or am not greatful for all of the wonderful experiences that I've had here at college, I'm just ready to get out you know? Experience my home and bed again for longer than a week or a weekend! LoL. No actually, I'm just sick of tests and quizzes and the rigours of school, I would much rather just go home and work a little and sleep a little and spend time with cuzcuz and sam! O well, just four more days right? and a ton to get accomplished by then!!!
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!!!

Well, it's officially, we have a mouse. It was seen last night at about eleven o'clock in the evening. It's a brave little fella, it comes right out and runs right underneath the bed. Very sneaky. So now we have a mouse, and we still have one complete week left to spend sleeping in this room with this little critter scurrying about. Lovely thought isn't it. Now if I could only figure out a way to catch and kill it...
You've Got to Love Dorm Life...

Yes, it's true. You must love living in the dorm. Take today for example. I woke up to Morgan, gently trying to awaken Brandi. Now, Brandi, was crying for at least five more minutes, and Morgan was persistantly trying to awaken her. Then, my alarm clock went off and I headed down the hall to brush my teeth. When I got back, I thought to myself, "Self-How about some ice cold cereal this morning?" Then, I found a clean bowl and spoon, a difficult challenge for anyone living in a dorm, and grabbed the cereal. I headed to the fridge and opened the door, inside, no milk. "Curious," I said to myself, "Where else would one find the milk except for the fridge?" Upon turning around I found my answer, behold, on the dresser sat the milk. Then it was off to class and lecture time for quite a few hours. Then, upon returning for the evening, I discovered that I was hungered. Brandi and I thought to ourselves, "How about mashed potatoes and chicken nuggets for dinner?" So we ate a tremendous dinner of instant mashed potatoes and dinosaur chicken nuggets, delicious. Then, I made a jello mold and placed it in the fridge. O and did I mention, all of this takes place in a Hot Pot? Amazing, like I said, you must love dorm life... by the way, that's NOT me in the picture, our room is never that clean, and did I mention, I'm MUCH cuter than that!..........................
Food for Thought...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...
Pretty exciting huh? Unalienable rights right? rights that no one person or group of people can take away from us. As I was thinking about this today, I decided that these rights are not just connected to us and our country. These rights are guaranteed to everyone, everyone in the entire human race. They are rights given to us from God himself. What a great thing to be thankful for!
I guess today is just going to be my average ordinary day. But I think the sun is starting to come out for the first time in a week and that makes me very happy! Anyway, have a good day everybody and remember to thank God for something today!
Crazy Weekend...

Wow! What an insane weekend we had here at school. Time goes by so slowly sometimes you know? and then, just when you think you have enough time to get the rest of your leisure time in, it flies. So for this weekend, I worked, slept, worked, ate at Perkins!, ironed, slept, churched, worked, hw'd and hopefully sleep. Crazy Crazy Crazy!! Today is officially the first holiday I've ever missed at home, Mothers Day! I'd dedicate this blog to my mother, but she dosen't read it, she says it's too embarrassing. Hmmm...wonder what that means. Anyway. Here's to being random right? Ok, enough rambling for now...I've got summer school week two tomorrow...
Hold the phone- I don't have a life
It's true. I voluntarily went to summer school. I don't have a life. I sit by the phone waiting for it to ring, and when it does it's always just my mom. I just finished eating a hotdog dinner, which is the record fourth time this week. But it's the only thing left. You see, there is no meal plan for me, so I'm forced to grocery shop and consume what I've purchased. So, being the typical college kid that I am, I eat everything not good for me, but tasty, first. So today, as it pours buckets, I have nothing to eat but instant mashed potatoes, frosted flakes without milk, crackers, and rice krispe bars. All I want right now is a little debbie. Something completely processed and wrapped in plastic. Something with wax like frosting. I also would like something fun to do. For example, a movie to watch, television to watch, radio to listen to, a good book to read, ANYTHING BUT SIT HERE IN THIS DINKY DORM ROOM AND STARE AT MY ROOMATES. Ultimately, we're just staring at eachother hoping that at least one of us gets asked out, gets interesting friend news, or even pukes. So we'd have something to blog about. Now it's 5:11 on Friday night, dinners done, and all I have left to look forward to is folding clothes at Banana-in the pouring rain at an OUTDOOR outlet mall. Yeah! I also realized that this no life thing is pretty much a universal problem around the kids here at Maranatha. See for example, Justin's blurb. Dirty feet from frisbee throwing is not a good time. So yeah-yippee skippy! So I'm going to go chuck my hot dog juice water and prayer for a life....
Just in case you thought you had it all figured out...
Yep. Just when you think you've got it all figured out, something out of the blue happens you know? Anyway, I found a verse that I thought was applicable to today and this post. Psalm 18:30, "As for God his way is perfect, the word of the Lord is sure, he is a Buckler to all them that fear him." So God's not shocked, God's not in awe, He knows everything and is in complete control. So rest in that today. And pray for eachother...
Summer School. Day Five...

It can stop raining at any time now. Seriously. It's been pouring for like the last 48 hours. It's ridiculous. It's only 45 degrees outside and rain rain rain.... Not that I don't like the rain every once and a while, I mean, what would have happened to the itsy bitsy spider if it never rained? I totally get that. My point is, could it get just a little warmer? It was downright cozy in the dorm last night, I must agree. With all of the little lights on and the comfy colthes and blankets it was wonderful. Yet, I'd like to know what it's like to wear short sleeves in MAY!!! Good greif...anyway, I'm just going to do hw now and try to stay warm and germ free!!!!
Yes, I know it is spelled wrong and probably not even a real word. But that's how I feel right now. Without words. As I sit here in the quiet of this moment, I am overcome. Sounds deep and mysterious dosen't it? Now, before you think I'm smoking something or involved in mysticism, let me clarify...God is .....exactly what we need. It's true. I just finished eating my hotdogs, cooked in a hotpot, reading my e-mail from all of these wonderful friends, joking about food poisoning as we all ate nacho cheese, reading about the Life of Christ, and it hit me. God is....everything. I guess I was looking for the perfect word to describe God when I titled this entry. God is everything. Yet, how much do we take him for granted? I'm not really sure what has just brought this small revelation to my mind, but I'm guessing it's probably God. I'm in summer school, I'm a sophmore in college, I have more friends now then I've ever had, God is so real to me, and I'm so blessed. Now I've blogged about this before and I don't want anyone to get the idea that I'm blowing my own spiritual horn here, because really I"m not trying to. I guess sometimes in the hustle and bustle of things we get carried away with life's stuff, empty, really non-important stuff, and we neglect to spend little moments just being quiet, and listening for a still small voice. That's what God uses right? And if we are so busy and so caught up in ourselves and our surroundings, we can't really listen right? I guess that's my deep thought for today. I'm going to take at least one minute a day, hopefully more, and just sit and do nothing. Well, nothing but listen...
Grocery Shopping and Break Dancing...
Well, in case I ever take/took mom and pop for granted I certainly do not now. Yesterday, I officially went grocery shopping for myself and two friends for the first time in my life. Yes, and let me tell you, food is expensive. I'm not quite sure why either. I mean, why does everything have to cost soo much money? It's just a can of spegetti o's, would 50 cents be acceptable instead of 1.29? Now, my view might be slightly tainted, I've always been a name- brand shopper, that is, until yesterday. We put back all of the fun stuff and it was still $40.00!!!! Crazy. We did have fun shopping though. Brandi started breakdancing to "say a little prayer for you" in the middle of the bread isle, right as Maranantha students walk by. Ah, yes, little memories. As for today, homework, and lots of sitting in class, that's what I have to look forward to. Also, pray for rain on Saturday, I really don't want to work my on call shift...
Summer School. Day Two

Well, yesterday we all officially started summer school at Maranatha. It was just so much fun. Lol. Actually, it's only day two and I'm sooo tired I'm not quite sure if I'm going to make it. I never realized just quite how long a class is when you have to do three days in one. Yuck. But we're getting credits accomplished right? and in only three weeks! But, I'm telling you, I cannot wait for summer!!!! Don't get me wrong, I have the best roomates ever and I love eating fruit loops in my pajama's every morning, but still, sometimes you just want to sleep in and do nothing. O well, right? laziness is not the answer. So, here's to you, mr. skip summer school, I salute you.
Good bye Mr. Ed!!!
Today I said good bye to my dear friend Eric. He's officially on base now and headed to Baghdad as soon as the air force wants him to. It's only a 90 day deployment, so for that we can be thankful. His goal over there is to start a Bible study and to hopefully win some of his crew members to the Lord. Also, another huge prayer request is that he finds air conditioning over there somewhere. Yesterday it was 122 degrees!! Anyway, so here's to you-take care and I'm praying for you!
Let the Summer Begin!!!!

Yeah!! I love shopping!! Yesterday on the way back home from school, my mom surprised me by driving half way to Watertown and going shopping with me in Oshkosh. She brought my two year old brother(note, my brother, not my son) with her as well as my Grandpa. We spent the entire afternoon shopping at Maurices, Tommy Hilfiger, Bath and Body Works, JC Penny, Izod, Bass, and the list goes on. She bought me tons of stuff for summer and I helped her outfit herself as well. Not that she has a bad sense of style, but hey, sometimes everybody could use a little help. It was so fun just to spend the afternoon with my family and help take my mind off of saying goodbye to all of my friends! ( at least those who are leaving me before summer school). Anyway, today, I'm scrapbooking, hanging my black and white photographs, and watching tv!! It's so good to be back, and yet so sad that school's over!! Anyway, keep in touch guys!!!
The End of The Beginning...
"Wherever you go, go with all your heart."
That's my end of the semester quote. It's hard to believe that freshman year is officially over. Now, I'm laying on my couch in front of the tv, but I'm not really watching it. I'm kinda just hanging out like I would have done this time last year, but it's not the same. As I lay here I can't help but think of all the great moments and bumps in the road over the last nine months. I miss everybody already, crazy huh? Today I said goodbye to so many dear friends and in a way, to so many good memories. O I still have summer school, and then I really do leave for good, well, until fall anyway. But the traditional way of school life is over, and will never be just like it was again. So, I decided to find some parting words to give all of my friends and here they are. Wherever you go this summer, go with all your heart. Don't do anything half way, or half heartedly. God has given us each the training and responsibilities to use the gifts he has given us for his glory, so use them for him this summer. I love you all, will miss you, and can't wait to hear what God has done in your heart and life over the summer!!!