Let the Summer Begin!!!!

Yeah!! I love shopping!! Yesterday on the way back home from school, my mom surprised me by driving half way to Watertown and going shopping with me in Oshkosh. She brought my two year old brother(note, my brother, not my son) with her as well as my Grandpa. We spent the entire afternoon shopping at Maurices, Tommy Hilfiger, Bath and Body Works, JC Penny, Izod, Bass, and the list goes on. She bought me tons of stuff for summer and I helped her outfit herself as well. Not that she has a bad sense of style, but hey, sometimes everybody could use a little help. It was so fun just to spend the afternoon with my family and help take my mind off of saying goodbye to all of my friends! ( at least those who are leaving me before summer school). Anyway, today, I'm scrapbooking, hanging my black and white photographs, and watching tv!! It's so good to be back, and yet so sad that school's over!! Anyway, keep in touch guys!!!
OOOO FUN :) i can't wait to hear about it all!
lucky ducky! :) I can't wait to see you when you come back! We definitely need to hang out! :) love you!
that sounds like some major accomplihment Lizzy bear! My room is almost ready, still more organizing to do though! I can't wait I get my new phone on Monday! PTL!! I'll have to call and tell you aout Ross soon! It is soooo great!! HE is soooo great!!!
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