Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Yes, I know it is spelled wrong and probably not even a real word. But that's how I feel right now. Without words. As I sit here in the quiet of this moment, I am overcome. Sounds deep and mysterious dosen't it? Now, before you think I'm smoking something or involved in mysticism, let me clarify...God is .....exactly what we need. It's true. I just finished eating my hotdogs, cooked in a hotpot, reading my e-mail from all of these wonderful friends, joking about food poisoning as we all ate nacho cheese, reading about the Life of Christ, and it hit me. God is....everything. I guess I was looking for the perfect word to describe God when I titled this entry. God is everything. Yet, how much do we take him for granted? I'm not really sure what has just brought this small revelation to my mind, but I'm guessing it's probably God. I'm in summer school, I'm a sophmore in college, I have more friends now then I've ever had, God is so real to me, and I'm so blessed. Now I've blogged about this before and I don't want anyone to get the idea that I'm blowing my own spiritual horn here, because really I"m not trying to. I guess sometimes in the hustle and bustle of things we get carried away with life's stuff, empty, really non-important stuff, and we neglect to spend little moments just being quiet, and listening for a still small voice. That's what God uses right? And if we are so busy and so caught up in ourselves and our surroundings, we can't really listen right? I guess that's my deep thought for today. I'm going to take at least one minute a day, hopefully more, and just sit and do nothing. Well, nothing but listen...


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