Friday, May 12, 2006

Hold the phone- I don't have a life

It's true. I voluntarily went to summer school. I don't have a life. I sit by the phone waiting for it to ring, and when it does it's always just my mom. I just finished eating a hotdog dinner, which is the record fourth time this week. But it's the only thing left. You see, there is no meal plan for me, so I'm forced to grocery shop and consume what I've purchased. So, being the typical college kid that I am, I eat everything not good for me, but tasty, first. So today, as it pours buckets, I have nothing to eat but instant mashed potatoes, frosted flakes without milk, crackers, and rice krispe bars. All I want right now is a little debbie. Something completely processed and wrapped in plastic. Something with wax like frosting. I also would like something fun to do. For example, a movie to watch, television to watch, radio to listen to, a good book to read, ANYTHING BUT SIT HERE IN THIS DINKY DORM ROOM AND STARE AT MY ROOMATES. Ultimately, we're just staring at eachother hoping that at least one of us gets asked out, gets interesting friend news, or even pukes. So we'd have something to blog about. Now it's 5:11 on Friday night, dinners done, and all I have left to look forward to is folding clothes at Banana-in the pouring rain at an OUTDOOR outlet mall. Yeah! I also realized that this no life thing is pretty much a universal problem around the kids here at Maranatha. See for example, Justin's blurb. Dirty feet from frisbee throwing is not a good time. So yeah-yippee skippy! So I'm going to go chuck my hot dog juice water and prayer for a life....


At 1:04 PM, Blogger jules said...

liz, i absolutely LOVE reading your posts. i honestly think u should become a journalist writer. u r so creative... and everything u say makes me be like "YES!" ... u sure say it just like it is :) i'm all about little debbies... we r both thinkin' right on that one :) hahaaa... hopefully banana was fun this afternoon. see u soon :)


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