Grocery Shopping and Break Dancing...

Well, in case I ever take/took mom and pop for granted I certainly do not now. Yesterday, I officially went grocery shopping for myself and two friends for the first time in my life. Yes, and let me tell you, food is expensive. I'm not quite sure why either. I mean, why does everything have to cost soo much money? It's just a can of spegetti o's, would 50 cents be acceptable instead of 1.29? Now, my view might be slightly tainted, I've always been a name- brand shopper, that is, until yesterday. We put back all of the fun stuff and it was still $40.00!!!! Crazy. We did have fun shopping though. Brandi started breakdancing to "say a little prayer for you" in the middle of the bread isle, right as Maranantha students walk by. Ah, yes, little memories. As for today, homework, and lots of sitting in class, that's what I have to look forward to. Also, pray for rain on Saturday, I really don't want to work my on call shift...
i'm praying about your shift on saturday, and about brandi ;) hahaaaa! u girls r a hoot! i hear u on eXpeNsiVe things... crazy crazy.
i girls are crazy! i miss u so much,. i wish i could be there to teach brandio how to correctly break dance..hahaha~ keep having fun! i miss u! tootles
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