Food for Thought...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...
Pretty exciting huh? Unalienable rights right? rights that no one person or group of people can take away from us. As I was thinking about this today, I decided that these rights are not just connected to us and our country. These rights are guaranteed to everyone, everyone in the entire human race. They are rights given to us from God himself. What a great thing to be thankful for!
I guess today is just going to be my average ordinary day. But I think the sun is starting to come out for the first time in a week and that makes me very happy! Anyway, have a good day everybody and remember to thank God for something today!
ok, here are some fun English words for you!
1. Pickle
2. Windbag
3. Tightwad
4. Funk
6. acquiesce
5. ameliorate
4. stump
3. gobbledygook
2. piggyback
1. flibbertigibbet
YAY! and the sun DID come out and it is STILL here :) u really don't realize how much u miss it until u don't have it for a week...
hope u had a good day in classes! :)
Thank you Liz,
I'll look into it later tonight.
#5: I don't know but it must hurt!
;-) are so bright that the sun is always out when you're around! hahaha! I hope that you're enjoying summer school! It's almost over isn't it???
Well, I've learned somthing here.
Dis I pass ?
1. Pickle : cucumber, also known as the dill pickle, could be an insult too
2. Windbag : dull person or a bag of air used to play air instruments like a bagpipe
3. Tightwad : poor person
4. Funk : my kind of music at 4pm, or a panic because it’s already 5PM and I have work to do!
5.pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovol-canoconiosis: longest English word, lung disease if you stand to close to me when I get mad
6. acquiesce : assent, agree without protest, voters
5. ameliorate : améliorer, just like in French
4. stump : a Broadway performance, a tree foot, short but well built person
3. gobbledygook : gibbrish
2. piggyback : on the back, something heavy being transported
1. flibbertigibbet : me ?
wel I must admit you were closer to the answers than I was, however there are a few that are sligtly off....
10. pickle-a difficult choice or decision to make
9. windbag-a dull person or someone who talks alot
8. Tightwad-someone with stingy with money
7. Funk-an odd or powerful odor
6. You were right-it is a lung disease and the longest word
5. correct!
4. correct!
3. Stump-to confuse (Broadway Musical is Stomp-fyi)
2. correct!
1. Flibbertigibbit-a silly woman
hopefully not you...
You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view
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