Crazy Weekend...

Wow! What an insane weekend we had here at school. Time goes by so slowly sometimes you know? and then, just when you think you have enough time to get the rest of your leisure time in, it flies. So for this weekend, I worked, slept, worked, ate at Perkins!, ironed, slept, churched, worked, hw'd and hopefully sleep. Crazy Crazy Crazy!! Today is officially the first holiday I've ever missed at home, Mothers Day! I'd dedicate this blog to my mother, but she dosen't read it, she says it's too embarrassing. Hmmm...wonder what that means. Anyway. Here's to being random right? Ok, enough rambling for now...I've got summer school week two tomorrow...
Strange Frenchman, hum?
That's funny. ;-)
You could say French-Canadian or even more impressive: Quebecois (to be pronounced like Keybeykoa).
Please to meet you.
oooo, that does sound impressive! Pleas don't take offense, I was just teasing my roomate. Please feel free to read the blog and ask any questions you wish. I'd read yours, but my French is a little lacking...
Pleased to meet you as well!!
No offense taken, Liz,
You can use Google Language Tools to translate the essence of the texts.
It is quite limited but it will help you to go around.
Google Language Tools may sounds sometime like a bad Hungarian furniture assembly instruction manual, but it is convenient.
Have you taken French lessons ?
no-no french lessons for me, but I can say, french fries, french toast, french, thanks for the tip! I'll try out the google thing later this afternoon!
If you learn today 10 words of French, I promise to learn the same in English today.
Deal or no deal? (too much TV I guess)
Deal- you go first and I will come up with some good English words for you...
OK, you have to find the meaning of those 10 words :
1- Hypothèque
2- Lecture
3- Agenda
4- Or
5- Legs
6- Déception
7- Retarder
8- Souvenir
9- En réalité
10- Résumé
Good luck ! (There are traps in those...)
10. A brief account of one's professional or work experience and qualifications, often submitted with an employment application
8. A token of remembrance; a memento.
7. To cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede
6. The use of deceit.
The fact or state of being deceived.
A ruse; a trick
5. A limb or an appendage of an animal, used for locomotion or support.
One of the lower or hind limbs in humans and primates.
The part of the limb between the knee and foot in vertebrates.
The back part of the hindquarter of a meat animal.
A supporting part resembling a leg in shape or function.
One of the branches of a forked or jointed object.
The part of a garment, especially of a pair of trousers, that covers the leg.
Mathematics. Either side of a right triangle that is not the hypotenuse.
A stage of a journey or course, especially:
Nautical. The distance traveled by a sailing vessel on a single tack.
The part of an air route or a flight pattern that is between two successive stops, positions, or changes in direction.
One of several contests that must be successfully completed in order to determine the winner of a competition.
Sports. One stretch of a relay race.
legs The narrow streams of swirled wine or spirits that run slowly down along the inside of a glass, often believed to indicate that the liquid is full-bodied.
legs The ability to last or sustain success, especially by appealing to an audience: a blockbuster movie that has legs.
4. Used to indicate an alternative, usually only before the last term of a series: hot or cold; this, that, or the other.
Used to indicate the second of two alternatives, the first being preceded by either or whether: Your answer is either ingenious or wrong. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Archaic. Used to indicate the first of two alternatives, with the force of either or whether.
Used to indicate a synonymous or equivalent expression: acrophobia, or fear of great heights.
Used to indicate uncertainty or indefiniteness: two or three.
3. A list or program of things to be done or considered: “They share with them an agenda beyond the immediate goal of democratization of the electoral process” (Daniel Sneider).
A plural of agendum
2. An exposition of a given subject delivered before an audience or a class, as for the purpose of instruction.
An earnest admonition or reproof; a reprimand.
1 and 9 I could not find! Sorry, you'll get your English words tomorrow, I have to come up with some good ones for you!!!
have a good night!
Well, I got you good.
Don't worry. These were all traps.
1- Hypothèque : mortage
2- Lecture : reading
3- Agenda : day planner
4- Or : gold or a conjunction of coordination (grammar)
5- Legs : heritage you received
6- Déception : disapointment
7- Retarder : good answer
8- Souvenir : a memory
9- En réalité : in fact
10- Résumé : summary
These were faux amis (false friends) : English words coming from French but have different meanings.
More details at :
Can't wait to see yours...
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