We can leave at anytime now....

Good grief. It feels like I've been here for EVER!!!! It's not that I don't love all of my friends here, or am not greatful for all of the wonderful experiences that I've had here at college, I'm just ready to get out you know? Experience my home and bed again for longer than a week or a weekend! LoL. No actually, I'm just sick of tests and quizzes and the rigours of school, I would much rather just go home and work a little and sleep a little and spend time with cuzcuz and sam! O well, just four more days right? and a ton to get accomplished by then!!!
i hear u, but we'll pull through! thanks for your sweet comment on my blog today - that was such a comfort :) thanks for being a sweet and fun roommate - i'm glad we got "stuck" in summer school together!
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