The E. Hangen Memorial Scholarship for Academic Mediocracy
Yes, it's official, we need better/different scholarships here at school. While I'm completely for all of the wonderful donors and the money which they so geneously gave to our school, would it kill them to give it to Humanities majors? Or education majors? It's like if your not a missionary, nurse, business major, or had someone drop dead this year, you don't deserve any free money. I can fake sick just as well as some people can, and I'm not good at nursing or business, so where do I fit?? And then, an idea was born...the E Hangen Memorial Scholarship for Mediocracy. That's my scholarship! I'm going to graduate from here one day and create a scholarship fund for people just like me, girls who are trying to get into law school and are exceptionally in debt. I'm really excited about it. I think the first award should be given to me...but that's a personal problem.
As for today, I had two finals and tonight we're going to go celebrate Lydia's b-day by shopping at Johnson Creek! Yeah!!! Tomorrow it's off to work and back to my homestead! How exciting!!!
Anyway, hope you all have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ode to the new freshman class...
ah yes. Freshman year is almost officially over. Thus, I think I should take the time to leave behind some of those things I wish I would have known before freshman year...and here they are....1. Whites and Reds really can't be washed together2. Pizza does go bad3. Always wear flip-flops in the shower4. Candle warmes and laptops don't mix well5. Yes, you can get wax out of a keyboard6. The dog ate my homework thing dosen't work anymore7. People can and will fall out of the top bunk8. Foot odor is a real problem9. People really do sleeptalk10. Shower curtain works best inside the shower11. No one really cares about your sleep habits12. The library is that really big building with all the books13. Nylons need to be washed daily14. You can never have enough window fans15. Build up, not out with your stuff16. Build up, not out with your stomach17. The freshman 15 is a real problem18. Doritoes and pizza do not constitute a "real meal"19. Avoid the cafeteria oatmealAnd finally...20. Finals are a very real thing and do count, alot...
The Funk...

Yes. In Melford dorm there is a strange smell, a funk. You can't miss it, no matter how much you want too. The funk clings to your belongings. It's an unrecognizable combination of garlic chicken from Olive Garden, pizza that is fuzzy, that tasty toilet smell, bare feet, B O, and now, methanphytamines. Yes, all of this confined to a tiny home can be devestating to one's sense of smell. The fact that the dorm sup denied the funk, and got the RA to also deny they funk, just cemented the fact that there is indeed a funk. So step back, take a whiff, it'll knock your socks off...
New Glasses, New Prospects...
Ah yes, the new specs have arrived and I can now see in the manner in which I was accustomed. Priase the Lord. Also, I have the job at the campus library and am prayerfully considering what I should do. I also have a potential dear friend, er, boyfriend? in the mix as well. Crazy that things should be going fairly well considering the past week. Anywho, I spent the day packing up the memories of freshman year and even shedding a few tears, yet I also jumped for joy. It's crazy how fast this year has gone, how slow this year has gone. To think that I'm a sophmore in college amazes me, it feels like I just got here, yet at the same time, it feels like I've been here forever. God has been so good to me and has shown me "great and mighty things which thou knowest not". I've made tons of friends, started a blog, acted in the play, ministered to girls in prison, lost an organ, found myself, and well, just grew up I guess. Not that I'm an adult now by any stretch, rather I'm just not quite a kid. It's weird, and if you've been through it you know what I mean. It's sad really. And yet, not so sad. There are alot of good things that come with growing up and moving out and on. And alot of hard lessons and mistakes to make along the way. I'm so thankful I haven't made any super huge mistakes yet and have kept on the straight and narrow nine times out of ten. If there is just one thing that I've learned this semester it is this, every day is a gift, it could be your last, and it could be the best day ever. Today is also the first day of the rest of your life, and has no mistakes in it. What an incredible life God has given all of us, enabling each of us to start over all the time and learn from our mistakes. So today, I'm just kinda sitting back, packing up, and thinking of well, just how cool it's going to be to see the next chapter of my life...
We now return to our regularly scheduled blogging...

Ahem. Ok, I totally owe the world an apology. I lost prospective this week. I know, I can't believe it either. But yes, I totally lost my focus and let my mind settle on me and my problems instead of those around me. I guess it's crazy to me how someone who has been so exceedingly blessed can become so selfish and self centered. It's the truth though. This blog might not make any sense, but hey, I'm going to give it a shot. I've been pretty much the biggest pain to deal with this week. Not only in my roomies lives, but for my parents and probably my friends as well. You see, I allowed myself to stress out and totally focus on me, vs. on God and his plan and blessing for my life. I guess I thought I had grown out of these selfish o woe is me attitudes and moved on in my spiritual life, but I guess for every step forward I had to take two steps back. But God is gracious and kind and loving, he sends just what you need every day, even when you don't deserve it. There is no reason on earth to not treat every single day is a gift, and to thank God that I have the opportunity to work and study. But, I was selfish and horrible and bossy and well, just a jerk. I guess I'd like to apologize to my readers as well, the last few blogs have been anything but happy and entertaining. So, with all of this, I hereby promise to keep my negative and pessimistic attitudes confined to myself for only brief periods of time, and not let them flow into my social life and my blogging life. So with that, we now return to our regularyly scheduled blogging...
If it wasn't this, it would be something else...

it's the truth. If it wasn't this, it would be something else, probably something worse. I'm not quite sure what, but it would be worse. Take for example, my week. First of all, Praise the Lord it's almost over. Phew. Another week like this and I might actually lose it. So besides working like thirty some hours this week, going to school full time, and preparing for finals, I became a statistic. It's true. Renu Contact Solution with Moisture Lock has been pulled from the shelves because it gives eye infections. And guess what my favorite brand of contact solution is. Renu. Ahem. So by using their product, I have an eye infection. So yeah. More fuel in the fire. But, like I said, if it wasn't this, it would be something else....Hope your week was better than mine, can't wait to see you all soon!!!
O Readers where have you gone?

It's official. My blog has lost it's following. Yes I have faithfully posted day in and day out, and yet you have all failed to read and comment. This makes me sad. Especially when I consider how wonderful and enlighting my blog can be. How amazing huh? O well, I will continue to read and compose, faithfully commment on my own blog, and continue...
Last Crazy Days of the Semester!

O my goodness! The next few days are going to be crazy busy for me! Tonight, I have class, job interview, and five hours of work. Tomorrow, I have a final (yikes!) and work from noon 'til eleven pm! Friday, it's up at 6am, practically an ungodly hour for anyone, class at 7:20, work from 8-10:30, class from 11-11:35, grap Tiffany, jump in the car, and head for Green Bay. On the way we'll stop in Appleton and make use of the Banana Republic Discount Card, and spend the rest of the day hanging out. Saturday we'll go shopping and whatever else we want to do. Sunday is Easter, so it's church and dinner at Grandma's with cuz-cuz and the rest of the family. (Brace yourself Tiffany!!) Then it's one last relaxing evening at home. Monday it's get up and jump in the car and head back to Watertown, go to one class, and probably work!!! Scary how fast things are going! Then it's a week and a half until finals!!! Then I get 5 days off to come home and relax! Than, it's back to Watertown for three weeks of summer school and work. Morgan and I are going to move in together and cook for those weeks! Yeah!!!! Then, Morgan's off to Seattle and I get to go home for GOOD!!!! Wow. It's still amazes me to think of how fast this year went, and at the same time it's discouraging to think of how long I still have to go. Miles to go before I sleep...right???
Anyway, hope it's been a good week for you all! I probably won't blog for awhile!!!!! So busy you know! Love and miss you all!
Just for Fun!
Top Ten Easter Bunny Pet Peeves
10. Constantly having to bail your brother, the Trix rabbit, out of the drunk tank
9. You always spend the day after Easter plucking the buckshot out of your tail
8. It's tough to get dates when you smell "eggy"
7. Make one little mistake, and they turn your feet into keychains
6. When people see you hopping around with a basket, they automatically assume you're gay
5. Having to digest all of that plastic grass
4. Having to work the other 364 days as a fry-cook at Denny's
3. Jewish kids and their "hilarious" firecrackers
2. News flash to all you wacky dads out there: you're not the first to come up with "Show me the bunny"
1. Two words: rat trapsTop Ten Signs You Have a Bad Summer Job
10. Your boss keeps asking you to call him "Mommy."
9. At day's end, you always seem to be coughing up asbestos.
8. You're a lifeguard, and Janet Reno needs CPR.
7. Miss a deadline -- lose a finger.
6. You're a waiter at new theme restaurant called, "Kick the Living Crap Out of Your Waiter."
5. You're the only employee not wearing a flame-retardant suit.
4. There is a sign on office door that reads, "As seen on '60 minutes'."
3. Your boss insists on keeping his theater unbearably cold.
2. You didn't realize that interning for Richard SImmons would involve so much slow-dancing.
1. You're paid in thumb tacks and Junior Mints.
When's the last time you caught a shoplifter??
lol. Yes, just your average day at the Old Navy Outlet. Two young and impressionable young men walked into the store on your average Saturday night. Then, they thought they could pass me, "Customer Service Queen" and escape with a t-shirt. No such luck. That's right, using the WENT and ROSES formulas we learned so quickly in training, I utilized my tools and recovered the $3.99 t-shirt, thus saving GAP incorporated from losing profit. Again and Again, AMEN!
Ah yes, the rest of the weekend thus far has been spent on hw, work, shopping, pizza consumption, and of course, sleeping. Today is a HW day, so I can get it all done before seeing my family next week to celebrate Easter and the bunny (note previous blog entry). For the rest of you, enjoy today, embrace it. Final Exams are coming...
Somtimes you just feel good and quirky-
Yup-another entry that starts with yup. Just kidding. What a fabulous day! It's pouring rain outside but even that couldn't damper the spirit of the student body on A) Friday, and B) The official end of the last fourth week of the semseter (AKA THREE WEEKS TO GO!!!). Yes there is a fire here that is building, an exicitement that cannot be quenched. A fire that makes you want to sing loud in chapel, stay up late pretending you're going to get kicked out, eat cotton candy in the dining hall like it's the fourth of July, practice your Black-Canadian Accents, and ponder what it's like to be a midget. Prehaps we are all delusional from lack of sleep. Prehaps we are all high on life, or caffeine pillls. Or maybe, just maybe, that hint of summer is in the air, like the prisoner who knows parole is coming. Like the bird who knows the cage will be open tonight. Like Pinnochio without his strings. These are the feelings abounding on campus. Making us feel good about ourselves, and knowing that even if you bomb the test, in four weeks you won't even remember...
I'm just your average crustacean...
Yep. It's official. Twelve minutes in the bed is two minutes too long. I'm fried. Officially Tomatoe red on my face, neck, and back. O and I'm molting. Molting is especially delightful in a dorm room, where no one really wants to pick the dead skin off of your back, or more disgustingly, off of the floor. Yep. I"m just as crispy as a lobster. And the truely embarrassing part of the entire thing is this, I forgot to rotate. I've NEVER been fake baking in my life, and NO ONE cared to share with me the importance of ROTATION in the tanning bed. So I'm am the tiger of tanning, with nice, wide, stripes down my back. The only good thing about that is my entire back is not a raging inferno at which it could at any point crack open and expose all of my guts. O well, if it dosen't kill us it'll make us stronger right? Right...have a good day!!!
The Top Ten Signs You're Headed for Summer School
10. You failed the Pledge of Allegiance
9. You take notes with the eraser end of the pencil
8. You identify more than half of the state capitals as "Funkytown"
7. Principal's final words before summer break: "See you tomorrow"
6. For your civics class project, you brought in several photos of Honda Civics
5. Whenever you enter the room, your family stops talking about Disneyland
4. Your history report was on President Martin Sheen
3. In your physics final, you keep referring to "gravity" as "gravy"
2. Latest report card includes several G's
1. You threw a phone at the principalYes, I am going to summer school, and no, it's not just for the above reasons. Hope you all have a great day, keep God first, and PRAY for eachother during these last precious and hard days...luv ya guys
I guess it wasn't just the easter bunny...

Ok. So I did it. I got convinced by my roomie to try tanning. That's right, fake baking, shallow living, fry yourself alive in a plastic coffin. And just in case you don't feel like a fruity potutie shallow hal, they give you a bunny sticker to stick on yourself.And it's not the easter bunny.Let's just leave it at that. Also today I met with my advisor, who I guess did what he was supposed to do and "advised" me. I felt rediculous. Like I sat down, and he askes, "So what do you want to do with the rest of your life?" I felt like saying,"Dude, I've been trying to figure that out for my entire life, what makes you think that I could answer that question in under 20 seconds? And then, to make matters worse, he doesn't just sign the dumb paper and let me wallow in the fact that the rest of my life is empty and unfullfilling, no, he proceeds to tell me of about three very different, yet very appealing directions my life could take. Ok,buddy! And then, he gives me a DEADLINE of May 1st to make up my mind. For those of you who don't know me that well, a deadline is a very scary monster to me in which I would rather not follow and or abide by if at all possible. All of this got me thinking about I spend a typical day at Maranatha. I pick belly button lint, I watch bread mold, I grow a plant that is dead, I do a
tiny amount a homework, (and still get A's I might add). I do not, sit around and think about anything past Saturday. This is accounted for by two reasons- A:I get kinda depressed when I consider how CRAZY long I have to be in school, and B: Live in the moment pal!!!! O well, so I'm just here doing all that stuff afore mentioned and chilling with my peeps, more later...
The Miracle of Monday-
LoL- that's just for all of you who were in chapel again this morning and we're blessed yet again with a component of the Miracle of Maranantha. It seems to me that everything about this place is somewhat divinly connected to a miracle. Take for instance the miracle of the lone tree standing in the pathway to Maranatha. Only a miracle tree could sprout out between the concrete slabs and blossom and grow and produce shade for all those around it. Today, then, must be a miracle monday, and here's hoping, for this week is going to be kinda crazy and hectic, without so much as one thing fun planned for the entire week, save bowling league and the play, which I get to attend by myself-thanks tiff. O well, God will sustain and bring sunshine to our hearts right, even when it's down right nasty outside. Apparently this miracle did not include miracle weather...
If we lost an hour, how do we find it again???
Good Morning, err, afternoon everybody!! Wow, what a fast and crazy weekend!! It's amazing to me that time flies! Friday night we took off to Delafied-me, brandi, and morgan-and hit Target, Panara (where they wanted to hear my life's story!:) ), Maurices, Marshalls, and Sports Authority, where we jumped on trampolines and played golf. We then came back to the dorm for a host of practical jokes for April Fools! Some of which included duck taping a girls bed off so she couldn't sleep, caution taping and toilet paper stuffing another girls bed, hiding in a dorm sup's bathtub, stealing my clothes while I was taking a shower, (don't worry, they knew better than to let me out of their only in my birthday suit!) and many others. Saturday included sleeping in, great for us college sleep deprived children!, working, where I got promoted!! yeah!!!, and a play! The play was an audience participation murder mystery. Don't worry, none of the audience members were harmed!!! Than I came back to the dorm and called it a night, work made me just exhausted, *see yesterday's blog!!!*. Today we lost an hour, don't ask me where it went, and went to church. This afternoon I will simply do more hw than I could possibly accompolish in a single day and try to keep from falling asleep on this rainy Sunday. Please say a small prayer for this week as I have a ton of work to do for my classes, lots of hours to put in at Old Navy, projects and fun times I'd like to accomplish as well. But the biggest of all prayer requests is my New Testament Survery test-I need a good grade on this one. I'll be praying for all of you and preparing to see you all very very soon!!!!
too tired to even blog!

What a day- I'm so sleepy I can't hardly stand it. More about my life tomorrow!!!