Friday, April 28, 2006

The E. Hangen Memorial Scholarship for Academic Mediocracy

Yes, it's official, we need better/different scholarships here at school. While I'm completely for all of the wonderful donors and the money which they so geneously gave to our school, would it kill them to give it to Humanities majors? Or education majors? It's like if your not a missionary, nurse, business major, or had someone drop dead this year, you don't deserve any free money. I can fake sick just as well as some people can, and I'm not good at nursing or business, so where do I fit?? And then, an idea was born...the E Hangen Memorial Scholarship for Mediocracy. That's my scholarship! I'm going to graduate from here one day and create a scholarship fund for people just like me, girls who are trying to get into law school and are exceptionally in debt. I'm really excited about it. I think the first award should be given to me...but that's a personal problem.
As for today, I had two finals and tonight we're going to go celebrate Lydia's b-day by shopping at Johnson Creek! Yeah!!! Tomorrow it's off to work and back to my homestead! How exciting!!!
Anyway, hope you all have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At 2:34 PM, Blogger jules said...

liz! i'm glad we had that discussion - i'm with u on that ;) hope shopping is funnnnn!

At 8:16 PM, Blogger Jiphanie110 said...

that is hilarious! LIZZY BEAR!


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