Monday, April 10, 2006

Just for Fun!

Top Ten Easter Bunny Pet Peeves
10. Constantly having to bail your brother, the Trix rabbit, out of the drunk tank
9. You always spend the day after Easter plucking the buckshot out of your tail
8. It's tough to get dates when you smell "eggy"
7. Make one little mistake, and they turn your feet into keychains
6. When people see you hopping around with a basket, they automatically assume you're gay
5. Having to digest all of that plastic grass
4. Having to work the other 364 days as a fry-cook at Denny's
3. Jewish kids and their "hilarious" firecrackers
2. News flash to all you wacky dads out there: you're not the first to come up with "Show me the bunny"
1. Two words: rat traps

Top Ten Signs You Have a Bad Summer Job
10. Your boss keeps asking you to call him "Mommy."
9. At day's end, you always seem to be coughing up asbestos.
8. You're a lifeguard, and Janet Reno needs CPR.
7. Miss a deadline -- lose a finger.
6. You're a waiter at new theme restaurant called, "Kick the Living Crap Out of Your Waiter."
5. You're the only employee not wearing a flame-retardant suit.
4. There is a sign on office door that reads, "As seen on '60 minutes'."
3. Your boss insists on keeping his theater unbearably cold.
2. You didn't realize that interning for Richard SImmons would involve so much slow-dancing.
1. You're paid in thumb tacks and Junior Mints.


At 8:16 PM, Blogger Liz said...

thanks, but no thanks, and for future reference-you have to read the blog to say its nice-and if you read the blog you would have known that I already have a fabulous job and have no need to get any more computer viruses in an attempt to benefit myself financially-o I'm sorry-did I use words that were too big for you?


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