Thursday, April 27, 2006

Ode to the new freshman class...

ah yes. Freshman year is almost officially over. Thus, I think I should take the time to leave behind some of those things I wish I would have known before freshman year...and here they are....
1. Whites and Reds really can't be washed together
2. Pizza does go bad
3. Always wear flip-flops in the shower
4. Candle warmes and laptops don't mix well
5. Yes, you can get wax out of a keyboard
6. The dog ate my homework thing dosen't work anymore
7. People can and will fall out of the top bunk
8. Foot odor is a real problem
9. People really do sleeptalk
10. Shower curtain works best inside the shower
11. No one really cares about your sleep habits
12. The library is that really big building with all the books
13. Nylons need to be washed daily
14. You can never have enough window fans
15. Build up, not out with your stuff
16. Build up, not out with your stomach
17. The freshman 15 is a real problem
18. Doritoes and pizza do not constitute a "real meal"
19. Avoid the cafeteria oatmeal
And finally...
20. Finals are a very real thing and do count, alot...


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