I guess it wasn't just the easter bunny...

Ok. So I did it. I got convinced by my roomie to try tanning. That's right, fake baking, shallow living, fry yourself alive in a plastic coffin. And just in case you don't feel like a fruity potutie shallow hal, they give you a bunny sticker to stick on yourself.And it's not the easter bunny.Let's just leave it at that. Also today I met with my advisor, who I guess did what he was supposed to do and "advised" me. I felt rediculous. Like I sat down, and he askes, "So what do you want to do with the rest of your life?" I felt like saying,"Dude, I've been trying to figure that out for my entire life, what makes you think that I could answer that question in under 20 seconds? And then, to make matters worse, he doesn't just sign the dumb paper and let me wallow in the fact that the rest of my life is empty and unfullfilling, no, he proceeds to tell me of about three very different, yet very appealing directions my life could take. Ok,buddy! And then, he gives me a DEADLINE of May 1st to make up my mind. For those of you who don't know me that well, a deadline is a very scary monster to me in which I would rather not follow and or abide by if at all possible. All of this got me thinking about I spend a typical day at Maranatha. I pick belly button lint, I watch bread mold, I grow a plant that is dead, I do a tiny amount a homework, (and still get A's I might add). I do not, sit around and think about anything past Saturday. This is accounted for by two reasons- A:I get kinda depressed when I consider how CRAZY long I have to be in school, and B: Live in the moment pal!!!! O well, so I'm just here doing all that stuff afore mentioned and chilling with my peeps, more later...
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