Roomies 207

Yup. It's official. Summer is over and I am definitely back in Melford. Crazy huh? It seems like just yesterday I was leaving for freshman year, and now, I'm officially a sophomore. I met my new roommates and moved all of my junk back. I'll admit I was pretty nervous and worried about moving in and having to deal with all of the stuff that comes with leaving home, but aside from mild homesickness, everything seems to be fine. It was great getting to see everybody again, and to not have to worry about freshman orientation and all that stuff. I'm torn between missing home and loving school. I do know that I am in the very center of God's will, which is amazing. I guess it's sometimes easier to know what God's will is for your life than to do it. Does that make sense? I guess it's true for me, because I knew all along that this is where I was supposed to be, yet actually doing it was really difficult. I'm sure God has many lessons for me to learn and I know it won't be easy, but still, I'm ready for the ride....
who knew that being exactly where you are supposed to be could make you feel so lost? I mean seriously. today was my dad's soccer schrimage and a bunch of my old friends from high school were there. we have nothing in common anymore. but more importantly, we are headed in very different directions. sometimes i have doubts about who i am and where i'm going. i lead a small life, not that i'm depressed, but my life is small. i don't go great places or change the world. i'm not courageous or confident. i fear the future even though i know God's in control. i don't understand why what should be God's will according to everything I think isn't, and why God's will is so well, hard. sometimes the decisions that are the most black and white are the hardest to make, and the gray ones are easy. i don't really want any answers, I just want to send this question out into the abyss, and things will probably look better after i get some sleep...
Happy Memory

Every Time I see this, I remember this very simple and profound saying...
"You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose
but you can't pick your friends nose."
How true is that??
On a more serious note...
School Starts in exactly five days...yikes.
I still have five days of vacation...yeah
I have exactly 120 hours left to watch tv...sad
This time next year I will be getting ready to go back to school...depressing
In six months I'll be back from Christmas break...sad
I miss New York terribly
I still haven't decided what I'm going to do about work at school
I think I should change my major...but I don't really feel like doing anything
I'm pretty sure I've been dumped...very sad
I'm worried about my future and a little anxious...
I think I need to go back to school...where life is simple
I'm really sure nothing makes sense that I just said...but's kinda like that
I feel like plankton floating around in the ocean...
So here's a picture of what I looked like back when I knew what I was doing with my life.
Ten Things You Don't Want to Hear from your New Roomate
10. "I took the liberty of pushing the beds together"
9. "You have two healthy kidneys, right?"
8. "No matter what you hear, don't open this trunk"
7. "Where should I hang these posters of beloved Commander Hussein?"
6. "If some guy comes by looking for his 15 grand, tell him to get lost"
5. "Can you believe that 'Bubble Boy' movie made fun of people with my condition?"
4. "Here's the deal: I get the bottom half of the room, you get the top"
3. "Uh oh, 9:30 -- time to go to sleep"
2. "Good news -- our dorm room is live on the Internet 24 hours a day!"
1. "Hide this quick! I'm the President's daughter"
Top Ten Reasons to Miss Melford

10. Plastic bags full of underwear
9. Mattress Surfing
8. Shaving Cream Fights
7. Vaseline on the Toilet Seats
6. Pinto Bean Soup
5. Dominoes Cheezy Bread
4. Hot Pot Facials
3. Water Bottle Bowling
2. Hot Pot Surprise
1. Being The Dad :) !!!!
Only some of you will understand...two and a half weeks!!!
Death of A Sales Woman
Yes-I'm officially done with Gap Inc. Well, at least at the Gap in good ol' Green Bay. This job was the hardest one I've had in my career. I've never had to endure so much persecution on both my personal life and on my work. I've never been picked on for my beliefs before, or challenged like I was this summer. I guess growing up in a small little bubble made me lack the appreciation I need for the bubble. I like not having to worry about not drinking or smoking, or sleeping around. This summer has been a great challenge to me and I'm better because of it. I thank God for his grace and suffiency. I'm also grateful I wasn't thrown into a foreign country were I would really have to feel persecution, I mean real persecution, not the pittly stuff I had to deal with this time around. So for now, here's a death of yet another sales woman...