Roomies 207

Yup. It's official. Summer is over and I am definitely back in Melford. Crazy huh? It seems like just yesterday I was leaving for freshman year, and now, I'm officially a sophomore. I met my new roommates and moved all of my junk back. I'll admit I was pretty nervous and worried about moving in and having to deal with all of the stuff that comes with leaving home, but aside from mild homesickness, everything seems to be fine. It was great getting to see everybody again, and to not have to worry about freshman orientation and all that stuff. I'm torn between missing home and loving school. I do know that I am in the very center of God's will, which is amazing. I guess it's sometimes easier to know what God's will is for your life than to do it. Does that make sense? I guess it's true for me, because I knew all along that this is where I was supposed to be, yet actually doing it was really difficult. I'm sure God has many lessons for me to learn and I know it won't be easy, but still, I'm ready for the ride....
So you're moving up in teh Melford Palace...hope it goes better for yo uon the 2nd floor this year! Do you have any roommates that I would know? Have a great first week back!
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