hangenout with liz
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Saturday-a day of fun sightseeing!!!
above are some fun pics from sightseeing. we took the group of 42 young teenagers into the heart of manhattan for some serious sightseeing. some of the sights we saw include the statue of liberty, ellis island(home of the immigrants), grand central station, and finally time square. the group was really tired that day, so they kinda got crabby toward the end of the day, however, assinging myself to the troop moral officer, i managed to give a bunch of my girls a good time by taking them where a kid can be a kid, toys r us! inside the store they had a full size ferris wheel. after the toy store i took them to mcdonald's for some ice cream and coke. the girls seemed to have a better time and the over all attitude seemed to improve. sunday was fun and full of church and service. we fed all the congregation of about 120 people brats and cheese curds. i was originally supposed to go into the regular church serivice, but they needed someone for a "special" job. little did i know i was going to watch 15 kids from the ages of 2-15 for three hours in an 80 degree room. so, needless to say, we sang lots of songs and played thumbs up seven up for hours. that evening i got to spend some really special time with the girls in my room and we talked about everything under the sun, just quality girl talk. it was awesome. that night we also kicked off our vacation bible school. sorry if this was a long post, but they were some really fun days!!!! luv yaSunday, June 25, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Live from New York-It's Saturday Night!!!

Above are the Pictures from these two days!
Figured you'd all be dying to read this, so I figured I should post a little bit from the beginning of the trip. So far I've had so much fun I can hardly stand it. So I hope this works, but I'm going to try to post some pictures-keep your fingers crossed.
Day One-
Well, today we packed the bus pretty much all night long. All of the kids luggage was supposed to be there by like 6 pm. Unfortunately for the bus packing crew, the last suitcase arrived at about 9:30 pm. This means that the entire bus had to be packed and unpacked a total of three times to get everything in. Let's just say we were extremely packed into that thing. Sleeping bags were shoved in next to the carry-ons in the bulkhead, and I had my duffel bag, another bag, my purse, my pillow, and two blankets all shoved in my two seats, praise the Lord I had two seats. Got to love those sponsor privileges. Then we left Green Bay at about 11:45 pm CST.
Day Two-
Well, we'd been on the bus for exactly 25 hours befor we saw the beautiful Manhattan skyline. Needless to say, the troops were a little cranky. None the less, we could not talk the group leader, Pastor Dave, out of his idea of sightseeing the very night we got there, without going to the church where we were staying first, great idea. So we went to the World Trade Center Site-a place that always makes me tear up and renew my patriotism, drove through Times Square, where it always looks like the middle of the day it's so bright, and finally a quick look at the Empire State building.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Busy Busy Busy

400 hotdogs. 250 pickles. 650 starbursts. 2 duck tape hats. 40 teenagers. 10 days. 1 mission. NYC.
Isn't that an awesome way to write out a trip introduction? I'm pretty pleased. Well, I've purchased all of the food and planned all of the games. I've cleaned my room and have begun packing. Monday and Tuesday I have to work 11-7 to get the last little bit of money that I can. Wednesday, we leave. I'm so excited. I can't sleep. I live and breathe NYC. I can't wait. I've got some awesome things planned and cannot wait to blog about it. I might even get a digital camera just for the trip so I can blog. That's how much I love you guys. LoL. Anyway, my laptop is going on yet another trip to Memphis to get repaired while I'm in NYC, so blogging for the next two weeks will probably be few and far between, but hey, I'll try. Anyway, please pray for the kids on the trip, for us as sponsors, and just for safety and for God to work while we are in the Big Apple. Hope you all are doing well, and I miss you!
Can't wait to tell you how fun the trip was!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
The Gap, A Hamster, and NYC...

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Not that it matters considering I'm the only one one here who updates regularly, with the exception of Ryan Berg. Go Ryan. Anyway, I've officially transfered and become a Gap girl, good bye Banana Republic. O well right? The good news is I'm making more money than before, hey, only like a quarter more, but I'm not going to complain. And the discount card lives on, Praise the Lord. God is so good. It's funny when I think about it now. I was looking through some old journals and junk yesterday as I attempt to clean the dump known as my room, and I came across and I would love to work at Gap entry. How weird is that? Then I remembered the verse about God fulfilling the desires of your heart. How neat is it that we have a God that remembers our stupid little dreams and works it out that if they are in his plan he'll fulfill it. Pretty neat-o if you ask me. Yesterday I spent part of my day at Pet-co. I do not just hang out there, if that's what you're wondering. My favorite little dog needed a haircut desperately, so I took the opportunity to look at all of the cute little critters you can purchase. And, well, I fell in love. He's a cute little miniture hamster. No, he's not a mouse. He's a hamster. He's adorable and retails for 14.99! Now, I'm going to need to purchase a cage, and tunnels, and the whole nine yards for this little guy, but I really think I need one! O and today I'm going to finish up all of my NYC stuff, because we leave in a week! That's right, this time next week I'll probably be running around my house looking for the perfect little outfit to wear on the bus for 18 hours! I hope the kids have fun, I've been dying to go on this trip since December! Anyway, I've got to go, sorry if I wrote a book, but just wanted to keep you all up to date!! Talk to you all later and miss you much!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Breakfast on the Farm...

This morning my family got up early and headed about an hour Northeast to a family run farm for the annual Breakfast on the Farm meal. Although I was skeptical about eating with the cows at first, it ended up actually being kind of fun. We got farmer size helpings of scrambled eggs, sausage, cheese curds, bagels, yougurt, and milk. It was definitely a dairy delight. After eating as much as I could, I got to walk around the cows and pet them, very exciting if you've never pet a cow before. Also I got to see a tractor pull, a flying contraption and eat Culver's ice cream, all out on the farm. So anyway, it was great fun. Now, I'm off to more graduation parties, for more cake and hamburgers, crazy! NEW YORK IN NINE DAYS!!!!! So excitied!!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
And we're back in the saddle again!!!

Yep! Monday is my first day back at A&W! I'm soo excited! I've missed asking if they want fries with that! It's the bomb! I can't believe how much I've missed all of the people there! Anyway, I'll talk all about work later! Got to run to a party!! I luv being home!!!!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Lappy takes a Road Trip!

That's right-I'M LOSING LAPPY! He's going to Memphis! Well, he's going to Dell corporation to get fixed, whoa, that sounded bad...He's getting a new casing since I melted his existing one... It's so sad! Well, have a safe trip lappy-and come back healed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't ask me why there are two-oops.
One year ago today...

One year ago today I graduated from highschool. How cool is that? I can't believe it's been an entire year since I graduated and that tonight I'm going to watch all of my old friends graduate. It will be so exciting to celebrate this time with them. Last night, was the annual awards program. It was really weird to go and hang out with the kids and see how much they've grown and changed in just one year. I"m so exictied for them as they go on, either up a grade or go on to college, many of them to Maranatha, in the fall. We are exactly one week and four days from New York, where I will really have some quality time with all of my old friends. Tonight, a bunch of the kids who have graduated either with me or before me will be at the ceremony and we will finally have a chance to get together and talk. For all of my other friends, miss you and wish you could be here so we could all hang out and be a family again!!!! Can't wait to hear how fun your summer is going!!!! luv ya!
O the picture is some guy named Micheal Krepps-i'm assuming he'd probably hate it if I put this less than flattering picture on my blog, so I did....sorry Mike