One year ago today...

One year ago today I graduated from highschool. How cool is that? I can't believe it's been an entire year since I graduated and that tonight I'm going to watch all of my old friends graduate. It will be so exciting to celebrate this time with them. Last night, was the annual awards program. It was really weird to go and hang out with the kids and see how much they've grown and changed in just one year. I"m so exictied for them as they go on, either up a grade or go on to college, many of them to Maranatha, in the fall. We are exactly one week and four days from New York, where I will really have some quality time with all of my old friends. Tonight, a bunch of the kids who have graduated either with me or before me will be at the ceremony and we will finally have a chance to get together and talk. For all of my other friends, miss you and wish you could be here so we could all hang out and be a family again!!!! Can't wait to hear how fun your summer is going!!!! luv ya!
O the picture is some guy named Micheal Krepps-i'm assuming he'd probably hate it if I put this less than flattering picture on my blog, so I did....sorry Mike
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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