The Gap, A Hamster, and NYC...

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Not that it matters considering I'm the only one one here who updates regularly, with the exception of Ryan Berg. Go Ryan. Anyway, I've officially transfered and become a Gap girl, good bye Banana Republic. O well right? The good news is I'm making more money than before, hey, only like a quarter more, but I'm not going to complain. And the discount card lives on, Praise the Lord. God is so good. It's funny when I think about it now. I was looking through some old journals and junk yesterday as I attempt to clean the dump known as my room, and I came across and I would love to work at Gap entry. How weird is that? Then I remembered the verse about God fulfilling the desires of your heart. How neat is it that we have a God that remembers our stupid little dreams and works it out that if they are in his plan he'll fulfill it. Pretty neat-o if you ask me. Yesterday I spent part of my day at Pet-co. I do not just hang out there, if that's what you're wondering. My favorite little dog needed a haircut desperately, so I took the opportunity to look at all of the cute little critters you can purchase. And, well, I fell in love. He's a cute little miniture hamster. No, he's not a mouse. He's a hamster. He's adorable and retails for 14.99! Now, I'm going to need to purchase a cage, and tunnels, and the whole nine yards for this little guy, but I really think I need one! O and today I'm going to finish up all of my NYC stuff, because we leave in a week! That's right, this time next week I'll probably be running around my house looking for the perfect little outfit to wear on the bus for 18 hours! I hope the kids have fun, I've been dying to go on this trip since December! Anyway, I've got to go, sorry if I wrote a book, but just wanted to keep you all up to date!! Talk to you all later and miss you much!
first of all, i hate computer generated comments, second of all,i really hate being scammed, third, learn how to spell if you're going to comment on someone's site, also, it would be great if you'd leave a way for us to respond to your comments personnally and let you know what we all really think of your site, it's because of people like you that sites like Blogger have to go down for maintanence all of the time because of the large voluem of spam people like you think we care about, does anyone actually compete in these online surveys anyway? good grief...and here I thought you were a friend of mine commenting on my post, though, who knows where all of those people went.
Liz I am so happy for you! I'm glad that you are having such an awesome summer! I have question though, why didn't you just keep the dorm room mouse? haha..just kidding! I miss you and love you! tootles
hey liz :)
good to hear all that u r up to! u sound very busy and like u r doing so well :) i can't believe how soon u will be in NY! time is flying. so what r u going to name your new little friend? miss u... can't wait to hear all about NY :)
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