Friday, December 29, 2006

In His Shoes...

Three hours to live. 180 minutes. Not even enough time to watch The Sound of Music and have a decent intermission. An empty prison cell with your last meal on the table and a clock ticking on the wall. Utter quietness except for the ticking of the clock and the beating of your heart. Death by Hanging, that's your sentence. You can do nothing to escape or somehow avoid your fate. 179 minutes.
He deserves it. No doubt about it. Killing thousands, possible hundreds of thousands of people deserves nothing less but death itself. Death by hanging would not necessarily be my mode of choice, yet that is his fate chosen by the people he hurt. Yet my sick and twisted mind cannot help but place myself in his shoes right now. What would I do if I was to be executed in less than 3 hours? What would I order for my last meal? Not to be dark and cynical and all, but what would you do? I think I wouldn't cry or brood, in fact, I'd probably just type a little faster...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

O Why Can't Everyday Be Like Christmas?

Elvis Presley. Judy Garland. Bing Crosby. Christmas Lights. The Smell of Sap dripping from the freshly cut Christmas Trees. A Gently falling snow. Sugar Cookies. Wrapping Presents. Hot Chocolate in front of the fire. WOW! I just love this holiday more and more every year. I guess the best part about this holiday is that everyone takes one day out of 365 and recognizes the birth of a Savior. You can call it Happy Holidays, Kawanza, whatever, but nonetheless you are recognizing Christmas. A tiny star over a manger in Bethlehem so many years ago. Tonight, I'm sitting in my new room in our new home addition. Tomorrow, I'm finishing up the rest of my Christmas shopping and making sugar cut out cookies. In less than a week, I'll be opening presents under the tree with my family. I'm on Christmas break. That's probably the best part. This is the worst thing I have ever written grammatically for a blog post, I'll be the first to admit it. Buy it's late, I'm tired, and these are the thoughts running through my head. So sit back in the next few days, relax, put on your fuzzy socks and your favorite Christmas album after everyone has gone to bed, and just remember what makes Christmas, and cherish the special moments you have, for all too soon they will be gone...

Friday, December 08, 2006

Don't Forget to Remember...

Today was the last day of classes for this fall semester. It really feels like the semester has just started, and in many ways, the lessons that I have begun to learn are still with me. When I first sat down to write this, I was positive I would be able to sum up a semester in one word, yet, upon further review, I cannot. Below are listed a few of what I think are the best memories from this semester.
-Surviving and eventually thriving in Early American Political Thought
~perhaps the hardest class I've ever taken and definitely the most boring
-The Importance of Being Earnest
~Ok Crew! Finding the courage to try out when I didn't even want a part, initially.
-Making new friends and strengthening relationships with old ones
~JILL BUSSE!!!!, Justin Jones, Katie Walton, Allison Stephens, and of course Brandi, Morgan...
-Taking long walks in the park with a friend at night
~Wednesday night venting sessions with Lydia
-Falling on my face and picking back up
~Checking my e-mail instead of working, etc.
-Realizing how frail life really is
~Great car flipping ordeal, where the only thing that died was La Honda
-Learning that my actions have consequences, good or bad
~well, learning that lesson from my good friends who cannot be left alone...
-Spending the weekend with friends
~Staying with Fraser and friends at his house was amazing! Love you guys!
-Laughing and Crying through friends trials and my own
~Brandi's home, my mom's pregnancy, Julie's sister's scan...
-Eating salads from McDonalds the first day back
~and spilling all over the floor
~Yes the door stop burrito!
-Gurnee Mills Shopping Weekend
~Just mom and cuz cuz...well and the American Express card
-Getting a new Job
~Yes, working at Blaine Myron's Library, I pity thee if you are confused
-Watching my brother score the overtime soccer goal giving his team 1st in State
~Still brings a tear to my eye
-Having friends from home stay with me
~Mandy Dunford, got to love that girl!
-It is true to have "loved and lost than to have never loved at all"
~Relationships are a gift and a curse
-Day after Thanksgiving Shopping
~Seeing Jill's face when the alarm went of at 3:30-then running through Target
-Sending Lydia on Band Tour and helping set up the exercise disaster
~Filling a duffel bag with Immodium AD and Peanut Butter
-Watching good friends like Stephanie Davis, Katy Vangen, and others as they prepare for life
~You are so fun and such an example! I'll miss you forever!!
-Winning Spirit Week
~And to think we captured the President
-The first chapel with the I-Pres.
~Kudos to Dr. Oats for restoring unity to the Student Body after a difficult summer
-Writing an extra paper for Dr. Saxon, and turning it in
~Overachiever or Dumb Blond?
All in all A Great Semester! I'll see you back here next January, or whenever the Lord chooses to bring us together again!

"Wherever you go, Go with all your heart."

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Friday, December 01, 2006

You Are So Special....

"You are such an individual." We've all heard it, I usually hear it at least once a day. As I watched the snow flakes fall from my dorm room window, I began to ponder this question, what makes someone an individual.
They are unique. Not necessarily. I'm called an individual on a daily basis, and I'm not all that different from anybody else. Individual in the sense that I am the only exact, carbon copy of myself, now that I understand. There is truly no one else like me, or is there?
Everyday I see people on this campus that remind me of someone else. Someone from high school, a member of my family, that guy I met at Kwik Trip last week. People all over this world compare themselves to celebrities or politicians and try to determine which one they look the most like, or in some cases, who or what the celebrity or politician looks most like. If people are really all unique, what's so unique about that?
True individuality is rarely recognized and scarcely rewarded. Those who appear the most controversial in their ideas, the most popular, and those who seem to over achieve in the spotlight are given the glory. But true individuals, people who acted against the character and ebb and flow of everyone around them, live and die in the shadows. The little people in the Bible, the civil war soldier, the B student, all people who may have stood above everyone else and are yet forgotten. The Bible character that donated his tomb for Christ. The Civil War soldier who at the Battle of Antietam had the brilliant idea of a Union counter attack. The average student who gave up his study time to volunteer. These are the individuals who deserve the recognition.
Where do I fit in? The spotlight is always desirable, human nature itself can attest to that.To be the captain of the team, the spiritual leader, the student body president, the next American Idol, all of these dreams and ambitions are in everyone of us. But those who lay aside these ambitions for a backseat role in society, these are the true individuals.