Tuesday, December 19, 2006

O Why Can't Everyday Be Like Christmas?

Elvis Presley. Judy Garland. Bing Crosby. Christmas Lights. The Smell of Sap dripping from the freshly cut Christmas Trees. A Gently falling snow. Sugar Cookies. Wrapping Presents. Hot Chocolate in front of the fire. WOW! I just love this holiday more and more every year. I guess the best part about this holiday is that everyone takes one day out of 365 and recognizes the birth of a Savior. You can call it Happy Holidays, Kawanza, whatever, but nonetheless you are recognizing Christmas. A tiny star over a manger in Bethlehem so many years ago. Tonight, I'm sitting in my new room in our new home addition. Tomorrow, I'm finishing up the rest of my Christmas shopping and making sugar cut out cookies. In less than a week, I'll be opening presents under the tree with my family. I'm on Christmas break. That's probably the best part. This is the worst thing I have ever written grammatically for a blog post, I'll be the first to admit it. Buy it's late, I'm tired, and these are the thoughts running through my head. So sit back in the next few days, relax, put on your fuzzy socks and your favorite Christmas album after everyone has gone to bed, and just remember what makes Christmas, and cherish the special moments you have, for all too soon they will be gone...


At 2:48 AM, Blogger jules said...

i sooooooooo agree! way to make it count... merry christmas to my roommate from yesteryear! :) love you lots!


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