One year ago today...
Yup. One year ago today, September 26th, I moved into melford 110. Wow! what an amazing life experience that was, and how fast a year flew by! One year ago, there were four very single girls and one engaged girl living under the same roof. A tiny roof at that. We were dealing with smelly basketball shoes from a girl who insisted she was never going to play, phone calls from a boy back home who was interested in one of the single girls (whom we affectionately called Benny boo-boo-boo), a shop-a-holic in the truest sense of the word, a fear of one girl's homesteads being sold, and me, one who lost an organ, or missplaced it. It never ceases to amaze me how deep the Father's love for his children. Today, we have three happily dating girls who are a year older and a year prettier, one happily engaged girl (no, not the same one who was engaged before), one girl who's happily living in Alaska, and me, the faithful blogger of all of these events. The world has changed alot around me, and yet I'm the rock, the consistently available, ever dependable rock, whom you can build your blog around. So here's to you roomies 110, and what a year it's been....
P.S.- Tom Crusie was a honorary member of roomies 110-and we always tried to keep it checkable....
Note To Self....
Ahem. I have mounds of homework to do. Miles to go before I sleep. Sounds pretty much like everyone I've talked to this morning, and it's only 8:06 central standard time. Crazy I know. We are officially in week 12 today, leaving us with 12 weeks to go I mean, and 3 weeks down. Nothing to complain about there. I have one paper to write this week and a book to read. With such a slow week, I plan on accomplishing a few things, and have decided to use a post to remind myself of what I need to accomplish outside of school:
-wash nasty sheets and towels
-clean out the empty water bottle collection from underneath my bed
-discover and execute the stinker in the fridge
-get a final count on the number of springs underneath my mattress
-get a final vote on the number of possible hair pieces on campus
-decide what came first, the chicken or the egg
-find time to go to Wal-mart for a scavenger hunt
Remember this is a working list and Have a good week!!!!!
Ode to La Honda....

We thank you La Honda, for your protection. What a crazy 24 hours! God is SOOOO good! Like seriously, soooooo gooooood!!!! He protects us and teaches us lessons and keeps things interesting and protects us and protects us and protects us...did I mention God's protection?? I'm so thankful for good friends, good times, and bad times, and the ablility to learn from mistakes and apply new lessons to our lives. I guess there is only one more thing to do...that's to add this very applicable verse.....
James 14:4- "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appereth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."
Trials are Terrific
* Warning: the following post is almost void of humor, my deepest apologies, and tomorrow we will return to our regularly scheduled blogging.*
Ok, so maybe I'm optomistic. But today as I was preparing for my devotional groupies, I was discouraged by the trials I see around me. Many of my friends are going through real heartache, or dealing with old heartaches after a long time. When I hold up the trials of those around me, to my pittly issues, they don't compare. All of this stuff led me to one of my favorite books of the Bible, James. In James 1:1-7, it says to "Count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations, Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience, But let patience have her perfect work. that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." I guess everytime I used to read that passage, I thought it was Paul just brushing aside the trials that everyone goes through. But upon further review, I've discovered that it's just the opposite. The trials that we go through make it possible for us to be joyful. Crazy huh? But think about it. If we never went through anything difficult, how much we would take for granted the good days. Unless we have bad days, it is impossible to have good ones. Does that make sense? I guess trials of all shapes, sizes, and priorities shape us into the people God wants us to be. I guess some days the stupidest stuff gets to us, when it really shouldn't. Take for example, yesterday, I received a congratulations on your engagement card. Now, I haven't been dating this particular person for about two 1/2 years now, but it still hurts to see where we could have been instead of where we actually are. I know this isn't making any sense at all, but bear with me. I felt horrible that here I was, alone and at school, single as all get out, and well, I felt like maybe I missed God's best for my life. But you know what, going through that trial has prepared me for future relationships and prepared me to help others who may go through the same thing I did one day. All of these trials are to make us perfect and entire, wanting, desiring, needing, expecting, yearning for, nothing. Guess God provides us with passages of Scripture to help others, and by helping others we help ourselves...
The Importance of Being Elizabeth
Today is Monday, the eleventh of September, it's dark and
dismal outside, and it's been pouring rain all day long. And by all day, I mean all day and all night long as well, it's been pouring. By some small
miracle I've been able to accomplish quite a bit of hw, and work, and go to class. Crazy I know. Not much has happened in my life over the last week or so. The day's have been pretty common and boring. However, I've discovered a few interesting things about the people in my
US History class, and have decided to commit a small portion of my blog to them.
1) There is the
sleeper. He's the kid who is always wearing a bulky jacket and occassionally sunglasses in class. He sits nonchalantly in the back of the classroom and spends the first and last 15 minutes of the class pretending that he is A) not going to sleep this hour, and B) pretending he hasn't just woken up. 2) There's the "look at me I'm here for your visual enjoyment" members of the class. Theses girls enter the classroom in some highly
trendy outfit and periodically flick there nails through their hair. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for looking put together and attractive, but not the
center of attention. 3) There's the, just ask me I know all of the answers to every question that you could ever possibly ask guy, but don't be fooled, this kid knows
absolutely nothing. When asked a question her responds with, I couldn't say it any better than the textbook, and proceeds to read out of the book. 4) There's the
head nodder. No matter what the teacher says, the kid cleaverly pretends he's been paying attention the entire time and nods his head accordingly. " The US will someday be abducted by aliens"-the kid's sitting over there nodding away. And 5) but not last, is my personal favorite,
the leech. This kid sits in the back and pretends to be actually learning, while all the while is leeching off of his neighbors textbook. This kid is funniest to watch when his answer buddy feeds him the wrong answer, or the professor asks the dreaded
follow up question.Anyway, that's my history class. I read in a book this past week , Worst Case Scenario College Edition, that voting the kids in your class during class helps focus attention on something
other than sleep.Let's see, what else happend this week. O I learned the Importance of Being Elizabeth. Yup, you guessed it I've been listening to all of those
"self help" tapes again. Just kidding. Actually I'm beginning to realize for the first time in my life that I'm completely and utterly content with the young woman
God has made me and am happy where I am. Sure, I could always be
happier, but for right now I'm appreciative of the
struggles God has given me and the grace he provides for each and everyday. I've started a new habit which has greatly helped improve my attitude. For those of you who know me, I hate the morning. I mean, I've heard of a
sunrise but have yet to actually witness one. So, being back at school which requires one to rise at crazy ridiculous hours is not my cup of tea. So I begin each morning with
prayer. Sounds easy right? Well, for someone like me who rarely thinks prior to ten in the morning, it's been a real struggle which has proven very rewarding.
Holy Cow! Look at the length of this post! Too bad my
paper wasn't this easy to write. Anyway, hope you all have a great day, and try looking to the
lord for the first thing, even when it's cold,dark and rainy.
Ode to Crocodile Hunter....

Yes, may he rest in peace. This blog post would have been a day earlier, except I live in a bubble and thus get information only when I can. So here's to you Mr. Crocodile hunter, you knew sooner or later you were going to get bit.
First Week Down, 14 to go....
Talk about crazy. Who would've thought that I of all people would not be able to find the time to blog for almost an entire week! Nuts. Anyway, a few things of importance have happened this week and I feel compelled to share the items with you right now.
1) Mayor forgot to mention the number of bridges in Watertown for the first time in school history.
2) I accidently enrolled myself in a junior level class, in which I can no longer drop without penalty. Ouch.
3) I officially got hired at the campus library so I can leagally tell people to shut up all of the time.
4) I auditioned for the part of Cecilly Cardew in
The Importance of Being Earnest a part which I will not get.
5) It's officially Alumni Weekend and I am not Alumni nor do I know any Alumni
6) I'm officially the fastest girl in Melford Shower!