Friday, September 01, 2006

First Week Down, 14 to go....

Talk about crazy. Who would've thought that I of all people would not be able to find the time to blog for almost an entire week! Nuts. Anyway, a few things of importance have happened this week and I feel compelled to share the items with you right now.
1) Mayor forgot to mention the number of bridges in Watertown for the first time in school history.
2) I accidently enrolled myself in a junior level class, in which I can no longer drop without penalty. Ouch.
3) I officially got hired at the campus library so I can leagally tell people to shut up all of the time.
4) I auditioned for the part of Cecilly Cardew in The Importance of Being Earnest a part which I will not get.
5) It's officially Alumni Weekend and I am not Alumni nor do I know any Alumni
6) I'm officially the fastest girl in Melford Shower!


At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh liz you crack me up your so funny....i just love you so much...what would i do with out you...but anyway...i hope you have fun at home this week....see you when you come home...later



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