More Fun Weekend Pictures...

We spent the weekend watching movies and playing board games essentially. But on Saturday morning the guys got the great idea to wip out the paint ball guns and slingshots. So we got to shoot of all sorts of weaponry in the rain. Saturday night, the Armstrong treated all of us to Jalepeno (sp?) thick burgers at Hardees, which was a real treat. So here are the pictures...
Friends are the Family You Choose for Yourself...

The following are pictures from my fun and fabulous weekend. I am so blessed to be here at Maranatha and have made so many wonderful and Godly friends. This weekend we crashed at the Armstrongs for a weekend of fun, food, and fellowship. The following are only a few of the many pictures to follow...
Maybe the movies were right...

Sometimes I feel like my life is a movie. Now, stay with me here. Sometimes I feel like the girl in the beggining of all chick flicks. You know who I'm talking about. The girl who spends more time writing about what she wants to do and see with her life than what she actually does and says. I guess what I'm trying to say is life dosen't seem to get any easier, even when you get older. I know I'm supposed to be more mature and see things in a better light, and yet I still mess up soo much. I guess I'm just the girl whose waiting and wondering when her life will truely start. Allow me to clarify that last statement. I'm fully content and happy with who I am at this very moment. I'm not suicidal or depressed. I guess it's just been dark and rainy for far too many days now, and I've lost my focus. Maybe I've not lost my focus, but rather my better half of my brain. I feel like everything has just been fuzzy lately, and that maybe I'm making decisions that will impact the rest of my life. I know I can't mess up God's will for me, but sometimes it feels like I might be missing the best aspects of my life by not being brave. I don't know if I'm making any sense at all, and i don't want to depress my readers, but pray for sunshine...
New Camera!

Yes ladies and gentleman, I've succombed to peer pressure and have purchased a digital camera. It was such a blessing to be able to go out and purchase something that would increase the joys of blogging. It's all for you guys. And now, some pictures for your enjoyment, they are random, because it is wet outside, and I refuse to go out for you, even for you.
Lesson Revisited...

As a little girl, I remember I wanted Don't Wake Daddy for my birthday. I made several obvious mentions of the game, watched the commercial daily, and begged and begged and begged for it. The big birthday party came, and I got dozens of wonderful presents, things that were more precious and would last longer than Don't Wake Daddy. Yet, at the end of the party, I was still deep down depressed for not receiving Don't Wake Daddy.
Looking back on that selfish moment of my life, one of many unfortunately, happend the other day while watching old tv commercials. I saw the commercial, and then remembered the game. Funny how I have the other gifts still, and treasure most of them as my most precious possessions, but had forgotten all about the game.
Sometimes I treat my Heavenly Father the same way, and I have to learn that lesson all over again. Often I beg God for one thing in particular, and even when I get something better, I still go back to that one thing. I am again beginning to see that God's ultimate plan for my life includes only what's best for me, even if I think I should get something that I deem "better". So, again, I revisited that old lesson, and realized, that even if I think I need something, or even really want something, it's not always the best thing.
But Godliness with Contentment is Great Gain....
Happy Birthday!

First of all, Happy Birthday to me! It's been exactly one year since my last birthday (duh), and my eventful stay at the Watertown Hospital. That's right, one year ago today I was admitted to the hospital and would have to, as it turns out, get my gall bladder removed. Disgusting huh? Anyway, I spent my eighteenth b-day laying in a hospital bed, watching old soap opera re-runs. So today has been a much better day, considering I am A) Not in the hospital, B) one year older and wiser, and C) Not in the hospital. Ah-hem, on another note, why did birthday celebrations change from elementary school to college. For example, in elementary school, your birthday was the biggest day of the year. You brought a treat to school, went to school in your new clothes, got balloons taped to your locker, got to be first in line for everything, everyone in the class sang to you, you had a big sleep over at your house after school that you looked forward to the entire year. Sometimes, if you were fortunate enough, your parents even took you to some awesome place like Totally Tubular, or Chuckie Cheese. Now, your in college, and your birthday consists of a phone call from your mom, a Happy Birthday from the groggy roomate across the hall, after you remind them that it is your birthday, and if your fortunate, a piece of paper from the business office, congratulating you on a Happy Birthday, with your name spelled wrong. O and do not forget the smashed cupcake that the Post Office people feel they can fit into your little 4X4 mail box slot. Ah yes, Happy Birthday...
He Giveth More Grace...
What a hymn. If this is the only spiritual lesson I learn this semester, I still will feel like this semester was a success. He giveth more grace as the burdens grow greater...he giveth, and giveth, and giveth again. Wow. In Philosophy class this week we discussed the theories of Locke and Rouseau, and others. Here's the sad part, I got it. I could have easily believed each one of these philosophers, meaning if I rely only on the logic of my brain, I can easily leave out God. O what a sinner. Then, one of my friends reminded me after I made the statement that I felt like a sinful after that class, that it really isn't that bad if you are reminded of your own depravity. I guess sometimes we just live in this happy little Utopia of sorts and focus only on the rules and our ability to follow them. I guess I was faced with a harsh reality this week, I'm a really good hypocrite. I can fake it and pretend so well that sometimes I feel like I'm actually living this way. I can parrot off any response to any controversial statement, and back it up with scripture, without even thinking about it, and half the time not even believing it. Wow. I'm so glad and thankful for God's grace, what would I do without it? I'll leave you with the lyrics to a song that just captures my heart today.My faithfull Father, enduring friend
your tender mercy is like a river with no wind
it overwhelms me covers my sin each time i come into your presence
I stand in wonder once again
your grace still amazes me
your love is still a mystery
each day i fall on my knees
'cause your grace still amazes me
your grace still amazes me
Oh patient savior, you make me whole
you are the author and the healer of my soul
what can i give you lord
what can i say
i know there's no way to repay you
only to offer you my praise
your grace still amazes me
your love is still a mystery
each day i fall on my knees
cause your grace still amazes me
your grace still amazes me
its deeper, its wider, its stronger,
its higher its deeper, its wider,
its stronger, its higher than anything my eyes can see
your grace still amazes me
your love is still a mystery
each day i fall on my kness
cause your grace still amazes me
Between Friends...
Oh, I could hide neath the wings
Of the bluebird as she sings.
The six oclock alarm would never ring.
Whoops its ringing and I rise,
Wipe the sleep out of my eyes.
My shavin razors cold and it stings.
Cheer up, sleepy jean.Oh, what can it mean.
To a daydream believerAnd a homecoming queen.
You once thought of me
As a white knight on a steed.
Now you know how happy I can be.
Oh, and our good times starts and end
Without dollar one to spend.
But how much, baby, do we really need.
Cheer up, sleepy jean.Oh, what can it mean.
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen.
Cheer up, sleepy jean.
Oh, what can it mean.
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen.
[instrumental interlude]
Cheer up, sleepy jean.
Oh, what can it mean.
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen.