Will Someone Wake Me Up Before I Drool on the Desk?!

It's the most wonderful time of the year here at Maranatha. The sun is shining, we can finally see the grass, and we don't need to run the broken boiler! How amazing. Yet with the warm weather comes an unwelcome friend called final exams. Now, for some fortunate people, these are the last few tests of their college career, yeah for you. For the rest of us, finals are an unfriendly reminder of 1) how far we still have to go, 2) how much this can harm our grade, and 3) how much caffeine we are about to consume. Yup. It's at this point in the semseter that I start my Starbucks fund, and start stocking up on caffeine pills and beverages, and fun retarded things to bust out when it's quarter after 3 in the morning and I could use a good laugh. Usually, this stack includes comics that are totally not funny during the day, student class pictures from the C-Net, which always inspire giggles, and this year, the new Maranatha emblem. Or should I say the old emblem. I don't know, I can't tell the difference.
Perhaps the worst thing about this time of year is the lack of sleep. Unfortunately, I've reached the point in the semester where I could accomplish more outside of class than I could inside, so I've learned to compromise. Since I have so many projects and papers, and quite frankly, it's too difficult to work on my projects in class (carrying all those books, laptop, Ipod, etc.) I've decided to do something revolutionary. I sleep in class. It's a great compromise. Now, I can effectively maximize my time at night, and not be tired all day. Sleeping in class and between classes is not too difficult. In fact, if you wear a long coat and a zip sweater, you can hang the long coat over the front of the desk in in the library, and you can lay underneath it, using the sweater for a pillow. Anywho, good luck on what's to come, and frozen hot chocolate with a double shot of espresso typically does the wake up trick...
Hey... that compromise worked for me. Even in a directed study. And I got everything needed done at night. What more could you ask for. Way to be nocturnal :o)
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