Save the Drama for your Mama
"Life comes at you fast. If you don't slow down and look around every once and awhile, you might miss it."-Ferris Bueller
Today was the fastest day of my entire life. Well, OK, that might be a slight exaggeration, but not such a far stretch. All I know for sure is, if it keeps going like this, just shoot me (metaphorically speaking) before it's over.
The idiots were also running the asylum today. I'm all about being friendly and coming to each other's needs, but in some cases, people are just ridiculous. Take for example work in the Library, not a bad gig if you're quiet, subdued, and patient. Today, like most days, I laced all of the above. Someone expected me to simply dismiss a $10 fine because they chose to take a week of cuts after Spring Break. My response to that, be a big kid and take care of it before you leave. (yes, unfortunately that is what I said, not one of my more steller moments, I agree). She in turn had a hissy fit, yes that's the only term to accurately describe what happened, and demanded that I excuse her irresponsibility. Now, for those of you who are not well acquainted with me, I'll let you in on a little secret. The way to get places with me is not, I repeat, not to act like a small child. I would much rather you produce a 12-14 point document stating your case and referring to at least two philosophers. That's just me. Needless to say, the individual walked away $10 poorer than when she came in.
Another thing that bothers me and should change, is customer service in the Brown County Human Resource Center. Two years ago, I applied for an internship program. Now, for those of you who know nothing about county politics, I'll let you in on yet another little secret, country jobs serve as stepping stones to get you into the legal world. Considering that until two weeks ago that was my life plan, it made sense to apply for this job. Unfortunately, no one there can effectively service the public. All I wanted was to set up an interview, of which the contacted me to set up, at a time appropriate for my schedule. Instead, the only available time slot they could give me was Thursday at 11:30, or I could as it was so eloquently put, "revisit my priorities." Amazing, for the first time in my life, school was not placed on the list of priorities. Amazing. So, I hereby vow, and desperately hope I can fulfill, to not only arrive at this interview in smashing fashion, but to nail the interview with all that is in me. For to me to miss class, is to most certainly land this $13.75 an hour job.
Thank you dear reader, for allowing me to vent...
I completely agree on the documented argument and philosophers. From a woman who thinks just like you do, thank you for making holding firm.
(So, I have this fine . . .)
Yeah, so I want to know what happened two weeks ago.
sorry: the idiots were also running the asylum today...a slight diversion from the phrase I use.
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