Saturday Night Fever

It's official-it's good to be me.
I'll admit these last few weeks have been touch and go. This past week was probably the most stressful week of my entire life. Between meetings, homework, class, work, tutoring, more meetings, sleepless nights and too many double-shots, I've manged to find life. Allow me to explain.
I was convinced I was never going to get a job. Or get into grad school. Or potentially move out of my parents basement. Or get out of debt. Did any of that change? No, and yes.
I got a job offer today folks. That's right, little lizzy with her love of BBC and her hatred of spontaneity, will have a real job someday. A relatively well-known career wear store offered me an opportunity to work at their HR headquarters. In New York, New York. Specifically, 5th Avenue. After I revived, I finished reading her ever-so-well written offer and passed out yet again when I came across the "further education" clause at the bottom of paragraph three. (ok so I read this thing a few times). Basically, they like me so much, they want to send me to grad school. At NYU.
Am I going to take it? Do I start looking for studios in Manhattan? (Like I could EVER afford that!!!!) Probably not. Am I going to send her a resume? You better believe it. Life is taking a turn-it's not turning out the way I thought it would in the slightest. And you know what? That's the best part...
Becoming Elizabeth and Fugate goes to College

Life marches on. If there's one thing I've learned in my realatively short existence, it's that. It seems like only yesterday I was a senior in high school and today I'm a senior in college. More abnormal than that, my cousin started college as a freshman yesterday. I knew there would undoubetedly come a day where my family would hopefully pursue higher education, yet for some reason or another, I didn't think today would be that day. Who would've thought that today, I sit at my desk as a college senior without a clue as to what she wants to do with her life. More importantly, she barely knows what to do with tomorrow. Yet for some strange reason I find comfort in my cluelessness. Crazy I know, but for reasons outside of my control, it always seems that my life takes a turn for the better when I don't know where to turn. Granted, I'm familiar with the One to turn to, and that is the key. Yet I guess at the end of the day it'd be nice to see where I'm going. But maybe, just maybe, it's more important to know where I've been. I serve a God capable of supplying all my needs, wants, and innermost desires. I've grown so much, and yet still have such a long road ahead. I started this blog as a college freshman. Contrary to public opinion at the time, I was faithful and did (to the best of my knowledge) record almost daily my thoughts. As unintellectual my thoughts may be, they are my thoughts. I can now look back on my not so recent past and see the hand of God guiding me through the midst of my cluelessness. As I become Elizabeth, I start to see the bigger picture for what it is, my life's story. It's not grand or glorious yet, and I'm starting to doubt it ever will be. But it's my life, and that's what really matters.