I LEAVE FOR WYOMING IN FOUR DAYS!!!!!! I'm so excited and am trying to prayerfully prepare for the upcoming weeks. I can't wait to see what God is going to do both in my life and the lives of those I'm traveling with. Here's a short rundown of what I'll be doing and when...so you can all pray with me...
Wednesday...leave Green Bay at 9pm in a school bus
Thursday...ride in the school bus
Friday...arrive 6am at Buffalo Bill's resort for a quick nap than off to Yellowstone National Park for the day, then finish the trip to Redcliffe Bible Camp that night
Saturday-Thursday...counseling and various other activities
Friday...jump in the bus drive to Mt. Rushmore for a wedding reception
After that...I have no idea............
Waiting to Exhale...
Have you ever had the feeling that you're sitting on something that could be amazing. Like something really really good is about to happen, you just don't know what? These last few days have been like that for me. I started me new job and it's ok, not exceptionally difficult, but not really all that easy. I can't wait until I know how everything works and can just show up and concentrate on getting to know my kids better. It's weird to be the manager and know less than the kids you're managing. Tonight I had blood born pathagen training and commitment to the zoo pep talk. There are some amazingly fun people and some possessed animal lovers, btu all in all I'm getting along ok. Tonight I'm kinda missing people you know? It's weird how when summer school is running down all you wnat to do is go home, and now that I'm home, I miss people. weird! I got a new book from amazon.com, that's not the really good thing....something wonderful is brewing over the horizen...I can feel it