Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Crazy Summer Life of the Young Elizabeth Hangen

Yes ladies and gentleman, welcome to my crazy life. The following is a short update in the life and times of my life, as wonderful and exciting as it is.
So anyway, I'm officially back from NYC less then twenty four hours and I find out that my mother of all people is expecting a baby. Dude, I can't believe I just wrote that and it's true. So I have another brother or sister coming and I will be officially 18.57 years older than this child. Let's put that in prospective. When the kid is born I will be 19.2 years old. When the kid graduates from high school I will be 37 years old. 37!!! When the kid turns 60 I will be 79. I won't live to see this kid turn 79. Nuts huh? Let's see, what else makes my life crazy. O I'm taking 35 teenage girls on an overnight camping trip in tents in July, like the last few weekends before school resumes. I have a special friend in Baghdad who officially said hello to me today, a nice bachelor at church sending attention my way, and I cannot make up my mind. I know I know, I'm not that fine of a catch, however, that's what's happening. Tomorrow I'm going to see Pirates of the Carribean, dead man's chest with my cousins, my brother, and my brothers friends. Last night was Cruise Night Classic Cars at the A&W, so I served approximately 375 people dinner, including my entire youth group, my friends from Gap, my friends from church, and my family. Crazy!!!!! So that's an update for all of you, I hope you're doing well and I can't wait to see you'll in just a few short weeks!!!!! By the way, how do you like my new look????


At 7:50 AM, Blogger jules said...

HEY :) wow, lots going on for you, fo sho! another baby, another camping trip, guys, and i think the list goes on... don't kill yourself with all that before school starts :) i miss you, and am always glad to hear your updates (you are a good writer!)

At 11:07 PM, Blogger Jiphanie110 said...

wow liz...a new baby...can't neat hat! I love the new look, but my gut tells me it's not really you! anyways i finally updated my blog..i hope that you are havng a great item while you are home..well when you are actually at home! ha! ttyl!

At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

liz...thank you so much for the shirt...i loved it..and me and morgan are going to wear them the first day back..i know its kinda childish but its going to be great...oh man i have some news to tell you...but i cant do it sounds like your having a crazy summer. i bet its going by fast...miss you and love you...brandi


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