Thanks for saving us from the Ravages of the Savages...

Happy Thanksgiving! Imagaine, a year ago today I was doing the exact same things I'm doing today, eating and sleeping and watching movies. Let's see, I've been home a grand total of three days and I've seen 7 films, plus television. Crazy huh? And I've achieved nothing. That's right, nothing. Not one of my five papers has been written, not one of my homework lessons glanced at, not one of the two books that I have to read cracked open. Yes, I've been lazy, and the sad and scary part is, I'm not feeling one bit guilty.
Tomorrow is a day of indulgence, not that these past few days haven't had their moments of absoloute perfection. Tomorrow is the one day out of the year that I rise before five, that's AM CST, and stand in line along with dozens, sometimes hundreds of other shoppers and help support the economy and the credit card companies. Tomorrow, I will risk everything, well, sleep deprivation and the occassional television box to the head, in order to achieve a financially economical Christmas. Also known as, buying everybody what they want so they all think that I'm spending way more money than I should, when I'm actually getting everything for dirt cheap by getting up at the crack of dawn.
I also am pleased to not that three weeks from today, I will be sitting in this same location, the bay window in the family room, typing away on my laptop, having successfully finished my semester of 20 credits, work, and the play. Happy Thought.
Life moves fast. It's true. If you don't blow off school every once and awhile, you might miss it.
Bonus points for those who can identify the title of this blog, meaning the author and the year. If you're really cool, add double bonus points for identifying the last line of the post.
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