It's deep out there, and I can't swim...

There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, "All right, then, have it your way." C. S. Lewis
What a crazy busy week for me. It's been crazy with the play and everything. I've been going to bed late and getting up super early, just to finish what I couldn't finish the day before. Don't you all remember summer when the days at work were so long that you just couldn't stop staring at the clock. What happend to those days?
The above quote is one that I've been pondering over the last few days, and will probably end up printing on the infamous daily quote white board we have in our room. The daily part of the board has been lacking since my roomate put up the "Godliness with contenment is great gain" verse. We were going to take it down just as it appeared she would be dating, but then, that didn't happen and thus, the verse has stayed.
Anyway, all of that aside. My buddy Clive Staples really hit a home run with this one. I've been feeling lately just like this verse. I know that what I want right now and what God wants for me are probably not the same thing. Not that I want anything bad, please allow me to clarify. I see things happening in the lives of those around me and basically want that for me. And yet, am I willing to trade the life I have now for that? I'm not sure. I don't want to be 20 miles wide and 2 inches deep, and yet I want some shallow stuff too. I wish that I could see part of my life 20 years from now and just see the end result for 10 sec. I wish that I had met someone in particular sooner than this semester, for it would have been interesting to see what would have or could have happend. So, instead of saying, "All right then, have it your way," I'm going to try to start saying, "Thy will be done."
BOOK UPDATE: It's working friends. It's working...
interesting post. i can see what you mean. life really causes me to see just how much i need to trust God because i don't know what the future holds.
i saw the play tonight! :) i loved it! i had just seen the movie a couple weeks ago, so, that made it even better! way to go - all that hard work is paying off!
love you :) have a good "play" weekend!
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