Pause...Wallow...Move On...

I'm overwhelmed. I'm not going to lie. All of the semester's stuff has really crept up on me, and I now realize that unlike all of those other kids who prepared effectively for the end of the semester who can now relax, it's not even a sprint to the finish line for me, it's a 750 meter dash. I have Christmas shopping and six decent sized papers to complete, a family that's decided now is the best time to visit, a group of visitors who are living and breathing Christmas Break and Basketball games, and me, one who has taken just a moment to wallow in her own self pity, and will then move on.
I woke up crabby for the first time since I was 16, which was quite a shock to my poor innocent roommates who unfortunately fell victim to my verbal aggression. A few good things have happened this week, things that I was sure I wanted to happen, and now, am scared to death about. Take for instance, my summer plans. On one of those, "I could achieve anything if I just believe in myself enough," kind of days, you know, the days when you quote the British Air Force slogan, "Those who risk, win," kind of days, I signed up for Northland Camp and had an interview. No Biggie. I figured it would quite honestly just look good to the people back home and maybe I would get in, but probably not. And then, I began thinking positively about the whole thing and wishing I would get in and dreaming about my fabulous summer up in the North woods where I grew up. Low and Behold, I got in. Now, I'm terrified. I mean, it's one thing to talk about sky diving, and another thing to actually jump. I know with a lot of prayer and contemplation I will be able to make the right choice, and well, I pretty much already know what I have to do, it's just finding the strength to do it.
I've lost all motivation for the rest of the semester, and well, am curious to see just what will happen to me in the next short months. Now, for some humor. The following are odd moments that have occurred with my teachers and friends over the last few sleepless days...
Dr. Perdue- " Just tell you're friends you have to go 'Cut some babies in half,' next time you have a decision to make."
Mr. Licht- "All of those Southern slave-lovers."
Mr. Midcalf-"And I don't really not want to want to not to tell you about what not to write your paper on."
The following is a conversation where the other party shall remain nameless:
ME: "Well Guys, I've got to go, my D.P. paper is calling my name." (D.P. Standing for Dev. Psych)
FRIEND:"Yeah, so is my IBS!"(Poor Girl, IBS was supposed to stand for Intro. to Bib. Studies)
*keep in mind that entire conversation took place at a loud decibel across the dining hall*
hey girl, you can do it! i'll be praying for you... here are some good verses to lean on (they have helped me time and time again - especially on those late nights working on a never-ending project/task!) Ps. 61:2, Ps. 73:26
love you! :)
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