Saturday, November 18, 2006

Things that won't appear in Maranatha's school play...

The following are the top ten qutotations that should have appeared in the Importance of Being Earnest...I am the only one, other than Justin, Ruthann, etc. who have the ability to do this, since we were involved directly with the play...the following are in no particular order and yet, here they if you haven't seen the play, please print and insert where you will...

10) Than a passionate life of celibacy is all that any of us have to look forward too...
9) Caused by the explosion of a temperance beverage, an incident that occured at Lemington...
8) The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her, if she is pretty, and to some one else, if she is plain.
7) And certainly once a man begins to neglect his domestic duties he becomes painfully effeminate, does he not? And I don't like that. It makes men so very attractive.
6) Algy, you're always talking nonsense. It's better than listening to it.
5) Relations are simply a tedious pack of people, who haven’t got the remotest knowledge of how to live, nor the smallest instinct about when to die
4) Divorces are made in Heaven
3) In married life, three is company and two is none
2) No married man is ever attractive except to his wife
1) Nowadays, people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Thanks and enjoy the show!


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