I Hope Life Never Gets Boring...

It's true. God has a sense of humor. And, in light of recent events, I have been the victim of that humor. You see, Monday night, as I was driving back to campus, some guy in a big black truch went speeding past me at a crazy speed. So, being the good Christian I am, said fine, see if I care. Well, 10 min. later, he was stopped in the middle of the road with his flashers on. This is not good, I thought to myself. Then I said, Self, should you stop, seeing it is dark, you are by yourself, and well, this could be dangerous. So I decided hey, I've got a cell phone, and pulled over. Well, I see the driver of the vehicle kicking a large object in front of the truck, and his friend, doubled over with laughter. O my goodness, he hit a person, No, it is too big to be a person, but wait, that's a really big deer, o my goodness, he hit a cow. That's right ladies and gentlemen, he hit a cow. So guess who blocked the road while he Mooooooved it, Me! That's right, I was 45 min late for play practice, because the guy in front of me hit a cow. So now, the rumor around school is, "Girl in Melford Hits Cow." Just to clarify, I did not hit the cow. I helped moooove it...
Liz that is the most hilarious thing ever!!! Oh man!
so who is this boy in your life?
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