The Best Book I've Ever Read...(well, almost)

I hated I Kissed Dating Goodbye, I'm not going to lie. That book I thought was full of people who believed that sitting on your butt and waiting for God to bring you the right man for your life (or girl for that matter) was being more "holy" and "pure" then those stupid people who are constantly dating. Yet, I was not certain that I was right, and well, I thought I must just not be as good as a Christian as those other people were. Well yesterday, in an event that can only be described as God's will, I had a total paradigm shift (bonus points for using a philosophy term). I discovered a Christian Dr.'s prospective on dating that has totally changed my life. The book is called, as you can tell from the picture, How to Get a Date Worth Keeping: Be Dating in Six Months or Your Money Back. Well, obviously when I saw the "or your money back" part, I decided that this might be a book worth picking up. So I dug around in my wallet until I found 12 bucks, and paid for the book, expecting it to be full of useless or already well-known knowledge. What I found changed my prospective. Dr. Henry Cloud is a genius, not in the Dr. Saxon type of way, but in the "I know this is what you've been taught and how you think, and I'm going to gently attempt to change that," kind of way. Although that prospective makes me cringe and red flags pop up all over in my mind, it became a book well worth reading. So, the next few posts will undoubtedly be about what I have learned from that book, and hopefully, in six months I'll look back on this chapter in my blog and smile, then exit this page, run down the stairs, and meet the man of my dreams...
Hey, if it works, can I borrow it, Liz? That would be greatly appreciated. Good luck with that!
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