AHHHH YES! I've made it. It's hard to believe that I've been through 3/4ths of my freshman year. Without gaining the 15 I might add:)! Now, spring break stares us in the face, march madness is looming, and well, I'm just glad to be alive today! I hope you all have a very very very fun and SAFE break! Also, remember who you represent, no matter where you are. Also, I hope you all come over on Friday night (March 24th) for pizza and march madness on the big screen! It will be soooo much fun to get together again and talk about all that God has done in our lives this semester so far and all of the wonderful and fun experiences we have had. Let's see, Camp Joy, Ikea, County X, Banana Republic, Southeren Oaks, NYC Youth Staff, wow. God is sooooo good. All we have to do is trust him and look at all the FUN we can have. Anyway, here's to spring break!!!
Friday, March 17, 2006
AHHHH YES! I've made it. It's hard to believe that I've been through 3/4ths of my freshman year. Without gaining the 15 I might add:)! Now, spring break stares us in the face, march madness is looming, and well, I'm just glad to be alive today! I hope you all have a very very very fun and SAFE break! Also, remember who you represent, no matter where you are. Also, I hope you all come over on Friday night (March 24th) for pizza and march madness on the big screen! It will be soooo much fun to get together again and talk about all that God has done in our lives this semester so far and all of the wonderful and fun experiences we have had. Let's see, Camp Joy, Ikea, County X, Banana Republic, Southeren Oaks, NYC Youth Staff, wow. God is sooooo good. All we have to do is trust him and look at all the FUN we can have. Anyway, here's to spring break!!!
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