Shopping, Sweet Tomatoes, and Sweedish imports

What a Day!!!! O my goodness. Right now I'm sitting at my desk at school enjoying the BEAUTIFUL night air that is pouring through the windows. It's 60 degrees outside in MARCH!!! Amazing right? Today I got up early...on a SATURDAY...and jumped in a van with my roomie Tiffany and her adopted college mom, Charlotte. We drove two hous to Shaumburg, Illinois to eat lunch at Sweet Tomatoes and shop at IKEA. For lunch they had a huge salad bar, which I enjoyed even though I don't usually like salad, Fuchattia bread line, pasta with organic sauce and noodles, muffins, homemade breads and muffins, soup line and an ice cream bar. It was fabulous. After we stuffed our faces and enjoyes sweet fellowship with one another, we jumped in the van and drove literally across the parking lot to IKEA. What a fabulous store!!!! In case you've never been to one, it's like a large home furniture store, with everything Sweedish...and that means it's dirt cheap!!! We bought cool, streamlined furniture and accessories for our bedrooms at home and enjoyed just hanging out and being girls. Then we jumped in the car and took the scenic ride back which was pretty much just super long and super boring. O well. What a day though. It's days like this that I'm glad I'm at college. Where else would I get to experience great friends, fellowship, and food???? Hope you all had a great day and go out to eat, shopping with friends, or just call up someone you haven't talked to in forever and say Hi!!!!!!
It was such an exquisite day! Don't worry though Cuz-cuz, she isn't sharing any deep secrets with me over a .25 lb'er. Liz, I had so much fun with you, you forgot to mention how you had to chase down your runaway poster in the Ikea parking lot, and about how that guy was lauging at us! Oh my stars, it was so seriously could of won on the next America's Funniest homevidoes! You're face was so serious as you pounced on top of the Eiffel Tower! Oh the memories!
that sounds like so much fun! i'm glad u girls got to enjoy that time out (and i feel that it was most needed -- i know my weekend "out" was great, too, and refreshing!) the weather is awesome! and i think it'll give us a great head start to getting this week off and running and we'll be home before we know it!!! :)
wow cuz-cuz...are you okay???, that last comment really yikes'd me out! No just kidding, I can't wait for easter b/c if everything works out otay then i should be coming home with liz,,,,then i can have my first "hangen holiday" go easter go easter! anyways have a great one!
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