Much Ado About Nothing

Life is never boring, but not always worth discussing and/or blogging about. Hence the lag between actual text and pictures in the blog. Sure, I could blog about the discussion we had in Baptist Heritage about post-modernity, or the numerous discussions about marriage and singleness in chapel and Principles of Bible Study, but none of that was interesting the first time around, and to reitterate(sp?) it now borders on pointless. I could discuss artist's series, where Jill and I took off for Gurnee Mills and enjoyed shopping and lusting after the sailors from the navy base who roam the mall on Friday evenings. I could discuss the free Krispy Kreme donuts we received from the cute guy at Krispy Kreme. I could talk more about the torunament victory for cuz cuz and the snow storm that recked my weekend. I could blog about the sleepy sickness I've been experiencing, or the dillema between camp or work for the summer. I could talk until I'm blue in the face about all the fun that I'd love to have during spring break and yet all the work I must accomplish in that short amount of time. I could blog about the Coach bag I've been trying to purchase for the last 24 hours that has turned into the financial fiasco second only to Enron. I could talk about all of the couples currently surrounding me in the computer lab, typing to their significant others and trying to have a deep discussion about the true meaning of "us" over the internet. I should talk about all of the clever new ways I've discovered to create work for myself at the Library, while actually doing nothing and getting paid for it. But all of this is besides the point, well, it would be if I had a point...
that just about sums it up...
hope you're having a great break, friend! get all that stuff done! :)
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