Amazing but True!!!!

I can't believe it!! Summer is actually going to come after all! I think sometimes we get all bummed out because school is going on FOREVER!! But in all reality, it's going super fast. It seems like just yesterday they ripped my gall bladder out, or I was in the Christmas Carol, or in speech class, and yet that was almost THREE MONTHS ago. Holy Cow!!! April 1st is Saturday-cuz cuz, you have a b-day coming up-too bad I'll have to miss it probably!!! But it's officially official- I'm COMING HOME FOR EASTER WITH TIFFANY!! LOL!!! O I can't wait!!!! And if I'll just wait a little longer-I get an entire week off before summer school!!!!!! It's going soo fast!!!! Praise the Lord again and again!! Than after summer school--NEW YORK CITY!! AH!!!!!! 300 hotdogs, 300 bags of chips, and a room full of friends!!!! God is sooo good to me, and I know I in no way deserve any of it. That song that I posted for Tiff was for me too. How amazing is it that God takes someone as little and insignificant as I am, and blesses them so abundantly, more than they could ever ask for or even consider. Amazing love how can it be, that Thou my king should die for me. And LOVE me-he loves all of you too by the way. This morning in my devotions I read a section of a book that stated that we are all God's "Favorite". If he had to come to earth and go through all that he went through, for just one person, and that person was you, he'd do it all over again. How amazing is that? I hope that I can grow to someday love others in just one thousandth of God's love for me, and that would be amazing. Hope you all had a great day, and have a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!
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